'What school doesn't teach you' in a book

This book provides around ten great ways to manage the entropy of the world- Nihit Mohan

This book provides around ten great ways to manage the entropy of the world- Nihit Mohan


It was during a lunch break conversation with colleagues that Singapore-based Indian author, Nihit Mohan, was fronted with the question of many life skills not being taught in school.

It was during a lunch break conversation with colleagues that Singapore-based Indian author, Nihit Mohan, was fronted with the question of many life skills not being taught in school. Learning how to manage stress, time and failures often happens the hard way for most, and for Mohan, the thought was intriguing enough to pen a book on being more prepared to deal with life's real situations.

Mohan's debut book 'What School Doesn't Teach You' is published by Notion Press and recently launched on 'A Story Club' platform moderated by Dr Kirk Meighoo.

A full-time banking risk professional, traveller, blogger and art collector, Mohan says that being educated and having interacted with so many cultures and people while growing up, his attitude towards life has been learning oriented mixed with a flavour of courage and self development. "The cultural overlay on my personality has incited an avid reader and an observer in my persona, which has led me to express thoughts via the written medium."

The book is based on his experiential learning and serves as a handy manual for all that formal schooling misses out on, and is required to thrive in adult life. Sharing his motivation to write the book, the author says that the lunch break conversation inspired him to pen down working frameworks for people to not only be aware, but also to work out a practical framework which can help them all through their life.

"While living in a constantly changing world surrounded with our jobs, families and relationships, these profound questions of humankind require deep thought and introspection. Effectively, this book provides around ten great ways to manage the entropy of the world, while in pursuit of purpose," says the authour.

Adding, "This book contains conversations, anecdotes and experiences from my mentors and gurus, who have helped me in multiple facets of my life for weathering the worldly vicissitudes. Without their nurturing thoughts, it would have been unbearable and definitely led to performance and confidence issues. This book encompasses inferential learning based on personal experiences and multiple interactions with my mentors, gurus, friends, family and colleagues."

"I used to wake up at 4 in the morning to work on my book and then later get on to fulfilling my other responsibilities. This book has been a great learning experience for me and has not only transformed me as an author but also as an individual with a higher sense of consciousness," concludes the author.

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