Losing phones a real nightmare

Losing phones a real nightmare

Unlike Wallets, if we lose our mobile, it is a nightmare.

Unlike Wallets, if we lose our mobile, it is a nightmare. I recently lost my second phone when I went to the nearby market and when wanted to pay, I could not find my phone and I was confident that I forgot to carry phone and within ten minutes of reaching home, I could not find my phone and when we tried to call the number, it rang thrice and we thought the person who picked my phone may respond, but after third attempt, we started getting "out of reach" response. From blocking phones and getting mobile, recovery of data is a real nightmare. I was lucky to have a family member to help and wonder what would happen to senior citizens who are living alone.

Though there are a few tools which help to trace, it is too little too late. PM who has always taken a lead to showcase on how digital payment has reached all over and even demonstrated in the presence of the French President in Jaipur tea stall. In essence, we can't escape as we all have become not only mobile addicts, our mobile phone is our lifeline, and we need to keep it safe. I wonder whether setting up a lost/found kiosk would help as our phones are now passworded, even if one finds them on the road can't call us where people can go and check. Until God creates mobile phones as part of our body, let's keep our mobile safe as we are not fortunate like our PM who has someone to carry his mobile.

–N Nagarajan, Hyderabad

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