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MyVoice: Views of our readers 10th September 2023

MyVoice: Views of our readers 15th January 2024
It is rare for a nation to be officially recognised by two names, and ours is a country that enjoys this distinction.
How does it sound if you play a cricket match with team names like Tamil XI vs Tamilnadu XI, Mumbai vs Marathi or Punjab vs Punjabi? It hurts the sentiments of people, it pierces an arrow in the hearts of people who are the lifeline of the place. It is the People -the common man who makes the country.The ongoing political battle INDIA vs Bharat is like denigrating the soul of a nation.
– TS Karthik, Chennai
It is rare for a nation to be officially recognised by two names, and ours is a country that enjoys this distinction. It is a specialty that is hardly claimed by any other country. This glaring ambiguity in the BJP’s stance, whether deliberate or otherwise, is a recipe for polarisation ahead of the 2024 Genera lElection. The critical question is whether this renaming controversy is a construct of the saffron party to play its polarisation card. If that is the case, it represents a new low in Indian polity.
– Jahangir Ali, Mumbai
"The potential renaming of India to 'Bharat' by the Modi government has sparked discussions regarding the wisdom of the Constituent Assembly's initial choice. This proposed change carries significant implications for various national initiatives, including 'India First,' 'Make in India,' 'Start-up India,' 'Digital India,' and 'New India,' all of which would require renaming and rebranding efforts. Additionally, this shift may result in a scenario where citizens can only identify themselves as 'Bharatiyas' instead of 'Indians.' Such a transition would not only involve logistical challenges in updating government documents, signage, and international agreements but also cultural and identity considerations. The name 'India' has historical significance and global recognition, making this potential change a topic of debate among citizens, scholars, and policymakers alike. The outcome of this proposal will undoubtedly shape the nation's identity and its place in the world."
– MdImdadullah, Muzaffarpur
When India and Bharat are synonymous, why objection to using Bharat on the invitation card from President? Bharat Scouts and Guides, Bharat Earth Movers, Bharat Electronics were all started when BJP was not on political scene of India. Similarly, Hindusthan Aeronautics, Hindusthan Cables, Hindusthan Zink were some used for public sector companies much before Narendra Modi completed his schooling. Bharat Mata ki Jai, Jai Hind were used by Congress during freedom struggle. When such usages of Bharat or Hindusthan were acceptable then why objection now? What has to be objected to is the creation of acronym I.N.D.I.A to use in political campaign sounding as India, the nation. Bharat is perfectly acceptable as it has history compared to the foreigners-given name of India.
–DrDuggarajuSrinivasa Rao, Vijayawada
It is unfortunate that of late the proposed name change of India to Bharat has stirred a hornet's nest in the political circles. Kerala State assembly has freshly proposed a unilateral decision to change the name of its State to Keralam.’ Changes in nomenclatures in India are not new. West Bengal had in the past suggested changing its name to ‘Bangla.’ In 1970, Madras was changed to Tamil Nadu. Nonetheless, as a rule, change of name has to be done at the behest of the Union Home Ministry. The change of nomenclature is not new as it was a common practice adopted even before Modi took over the reins of power.
Ever since the constitution came into effect, the nomenclature of 9 States and 500 places and cities were subjected to change.
Undeniably, there is political mileage behind names of places and cities undergoing changes. During the rule of regional parties, the name of Madras was changed as Chennai, Calcutta as Kolkata and Bombay as Mumbai.
The Dravidian party had changed Pondicherry as Puducherry and also removed Telugu titles of streets in the Tamil State. The foreign rulers resorted to change nomenclature at will to suit their convenience. Muslim rulers destroyed temples and renamed the cities that were named after Hindu deities originally. During British rule, several names of streets, roads and places were subjected to change. Also Karnataka has several names changed in accordance with the local demand proposed by the netizens which include Bangalore, Mangalore, Belgaum, Hubli, Baroda, Gurgaon, Bijapur and Gulbarga. So also were changes in Maharashtra including Aurangabad, Osmanabad and Ahmednagar in the recent past.
Thus there is always a political thought and motive behind naming and renaming of things which is usually the harbinger of vote-bank during elections besides an endeavour associated with language to entice the people at large especially in the South. The political agenda associated with the name change like Bharat for India cannot be a disadvantage as long as the voters are mature enough in giving a political judgement suitable to their mental status.
– BhInduSekhar, Hyderabad
"C" words to see through politicos
Elections are round the corner.It is the time when we,the voters of India,sorry,Bharath, are in huge demand."Seen and unseen"leaders of heard and unheard parties come to us,fawning for our favour and votes.During this period,we see our leaders and media using many words beginning with the letter 'C' and alas, most of us fail to 'see' the real meanings of these words.Here are a few such 'C' words.
First of all,Contesting politicians Come to us,Canvassing for themselves and for their parties.They try to Catch us,our attention and our votes.In this process, they Criticise their opponents and rival parties.More often we get Confused or Carried away by their Carping.It all at the end Culiminates in Cacophony. Their rivals also Compete and Contrive many ways to Counter their Criticism.
They Creatively Calculate ways to use their Caste Cards and Communal Cards.Corruption is another powerful C word. It can make or mar governments.The second term of the Congress Government at the Centre simply Caved in under the weight of Corruption.Modi Captured the power,promising a Clean Government,to bring back crores of rupees hidden in foreign banks and to Create lakhs of jobs.The entire nation Clicked their tongues at his Call for demonetization and to Clap our hands vigorously to Concur the Covid 19.All this Culminated in his concurring the Opposition for a second time.
'Catchy Clarion Calls' is yet another C-word phrase we often come across during elections."BHARAT JODO" was one such Call by the Congress Party that led to the Creation of the I-N-D-I-A Federation.Modi has Cleverly used the same two words-Bharat and I-N-D-I-A to browbeat the Congress by planning to replace the word India with Bharath as the name of our country. What is wrong in desiring to change the name as about 12 countries have already got new monikers? The only thing is that 'Indians' become 'Bharaths' and we have to spend just rupees 15,000 crores to get that"NayaNaam"!
Our media too uses C words.It sees to it to Cover and uncover the Calculated plans of our leaders and politicians. Columnists,Cameramen and their Coverages are meant to Cash in and comment on the Current 'trends' in elections.In other words,elections are times for politicians to use all 'C'words promising 'Sea-Change in the lives of voters.But voters must 'see'through such C words and see leaders off at the hustings.
– M Somasekhar Prasad, Hyderabad
Attacks on Sanatana Dharma shameful
This refers to Hans editorial on September 9: "Dravidian hate politics rears up its ugly head". It is very rightly, neatly, and aptly drafted and it is only an expression of pangs of pain and those crude fanatics will never change their attitude. How vulgarly DMK's MP A Raja compared Sanatana Dharma with HIV and leprosy, following in the footsteps of Udhayanidhi who is supposed to be the political heir of his father. DravidaKazhagam party was established against Brahminism and Hinduism. Its founder leader EVR, I remember, used to say, "if a Snake and a Brahmin appears, first kill the latter." Such a hatred principle this party hailed. This kind of scoffing was not observed in AIADMK rule. Tamil Nadu is known as temple capital of India with many monumental worshipping shrines depicting Hindu culture. CM Stalin must control the tongues of his party members from passing indecent remarks lest it would hit the future of DMK's prospects.
–NSK Prasad, Hyderabad
Prime Minister Modi took a strong exception to the remarks of DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin against Sanatana Dharma. Terming it ‘extremely shocking and highly condemnable,’ he exhorted ‘proper and justified response from all of us’ at a meeting of his council of ministers the other day. Is this the same man who adamantly opted to remain silent when Manipur burnt, and on the Adani issue? The Prime Minister’s queer ‘selective eloquence’ is puzzling.
– Dr George Jacob, Kochi
It is deplorable that the monster of religious hatred is raising its ugly head in India, thanks to the power-hungry politicians, who are desperate even to mortgage the national unity and integrity in order to gain political supremacy. (Dravidian hate politics rears up its ugly head: Hans India, September 8). In this regard, it is unfair to blame the Dravidian politics alone or the Sanatan Dharma row, authored by the scion of DMK, as hate politics. For the past nine years, we have been hearing the clarion call for Hindu Rashtra and replacement of Constitution with ManuSmriti by the learned leaders and saints. Several communal projects like Manipur and Nuh have been successfully pushed to create insecurity in the minds of minorities. Not to speak of persecution of Dalits, which is normalised in India, right from the ancient days of Aryan conquest. Hence, the need of the hour is not to blame each other, but to call for a parliament of religions, under the leadership of President of India, to establish a code of conduct for all religions and political parties to give up religion-based politics and uphold the constitutional values to build a secular and harmonious multi-religious society which is the pride of India that is Bharat.
– P H HemaSagar, Secunderabad
After DMK minister Udhayanidhi Stalin's elaborate statement that Sanatana Dharma is like a disease like malaria, dengue and therefore must be eradicated like mosquitos stirring a political storm, MP Raja going a step further, saying that Sanatana Dharma is like leprosy, HIV, it is abundantly clear that statements of both the leaders come within the meaning and purview of "hate speech" against the Hindus. Further it is an undeniable fact that it is Congress and other regional parties who visibly provoke the BJP to counter and hold briefs for those who follow and practiseSanatana Dharma. They are also responsible for its ally DMK in I N.D.I A bloc to raise its ugly head on this issue. In the first place, the statements from DMK leaders is not only an insult to the centuries old culture of India but was totally uncalled for. Notwithstanding, it has become a fashion among the intelligentsia, Hindu baiters to speak ill of Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma per se in the name of free speech as if there is no casteism or sect divisions in Islam and Christianity.
– K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad
After the idiotic comments by Tamil Nadu minister Udayanidhi Stalin on Sanatana Dharma, it is the turn of the DMK’s MP Andimuthu Raju who went a step further to describe Sanatana to HIV and Leprosy. This will not bring credit either to DMK or Raja, but will lower the stock of credibility of the Hindu-bashing political party of Tamil Nadu in the minds of the electorate. Strangely, Chief Minister M K Stalin defended his son for the latter's irresponsible utterances; but Stalin could have advised moderation. The fact of the matter is that the so-called Dravidian party of Tamil Nadu is already enjoying all social advantages in terms of reservation for its people, leaving no room for other unreserved communities that will continue as a shameful legacy for the party and its followers.
– K R Parvathy, Mysuru
As if on a synchronised move, the Sanatana Dharma is being questioned by the DMK leaders. Udayanidhi Stalin, T R Baalu and A Raja who are coming up with more new names for Sanatana, sullying it. Baalu even boasted about destroying three temples of Hindu Goddesses in his constituency that would put the determined Mughal destroyers of India to shame. The silence of others in the team – Congress in particular, tells the similar narrative on its part. WB CM Mamata Banerjee showed some guts in condemning the talk by DMK leaders. The insult to India as a result of the utterances by leaders of I.N.D.I.A. will surely have its consequences. The Congress's Yuvraj– Rahul Gandhi – continues to warn the world about dangers to democracy in India.
– K V Raghuram, Wayanad
Yes I.N.D.I.A utterly failed to rise to the occasion as it is a conglomeration of desperate parties with clashing ideologies pretending to be united just to come to power by hook or crook in next general election. What else can it do except observing stony silence fearing retaliation from the staunch atheist party DMK? The jarring comments made by Udayanidhi and later by proven corrupt A Raja are nauseating and their comments hurt the majority religion which is otherwise called’ Santana Dharma.’ These irresponsible comments made by most ignorant duo who do not know ABC of religious texts and had zero knowledge of Vedas and the revered epics. This type of ugly uttering are expected only from those who are mentally unsound or the ones who want to be in limelight for wrong reasons.
No one has the authority to denounce the ageless ‘Santana Dharma’ which is eternal .Those who opposed the Dharma are thrown into the dustbin of history and were buried and forgotten. Instead of giving importance to the diatribe of the duo, better neglect them as Jesus Christ said before he was crucified that, “they know not what they are doing, God forgive them.” Need of the hour is protect the country form the parties who are ready to anything to come to power at the cost of nation’s honors and prestige. If the majority people who follow Sanatana Dharma revolt against the party or persons who defiled the Dharma, they end up getting cipher in elections. Unfortunately there is no unity among the majority religion followers.
– Rama Krishna M, Kakinada
Study of ‘Karma’ apt at B-School
This refers to the news item on September 7 in Hans on 'Theory of 'karma' part of IIM course'. Every true Indian trusting on our age old but evergreen Indian philosophy where everything is available, must hail the decision taken by Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow, to introduce 'Theory of Karma' in IIM course.
Karma is the ultimate result of past actions. The eight layered Patanjali Yoga Sastra succinctly stated that its eighth step 'Samadhi' is the culmination to reach the status of self-actualisation which means that there is nothing to know beyond this. It is very tough task and the most learned ones could not reach that point. All wings of Vedas and Upanishads in different modes are vividly explained in Bhagavad Gita. Einstein said "Had I read Gita, I could have presented my thesis still in a better way." He further said that he could only use less than ten percent of the brain power and continued to say that our science and technology cannot unearth even one million secrets of nature even after thousand years. If one studies Karma Siddhanta and its consequences, he is a perfect person and keeps himself away from pleasures and pains. Indian philosophy is contemporary forever
– Dr NSR Murthy, Secunderabad
A sign of mature democracy
The result of Ghosi assembly seat is eye opener for the Yogi-Modi combine and indicates the trend of 2024 elections. Even a result of single seat indicates the future trend and in this regard I quote two examples. First example is of UP when the candidate of Indira-led Congress defeated the sitting Chief Minister T N Singh and due to this one seat, Cong controlled by Indira Gandhi won the other elections also. The second example is of Sharad Yadav who was the first candidate of Janata Party when he defeated Seth GovindDass who had not lost any election during the previous 50 years and it was a record in his name. The second person was Churchill who had not lost any election in 50 years. So it is signal for BJP for 2024 election.
The results also show that freebies are not guarantee for fetching votes. The common man is tired of inflation and unemployment and the government has no definite and solid programme to solve both problems. On the basis of religious slogans alone, no party will get votes.
Present political scenario indicate that there will be neck to neck fight between INDIA and NDA groups. Present results indicate that the position of BJP is not favourable in UP as well as in Bengal. From Punjab and Delhi, it appears there may be political alliance between Congress and AAP and ultimate sufferer will be BJP. In Bihar, INDIA alliance will get more seats than NDA and at present stage in Karnataka also BJP will lose seats and same is the position in Maharashtra where political situation is very fluid. There is still time for the BJP to improve its performance.
– Yash Pal Ralhan, Jalandhar
In the by-election in Puthupally in Kerala, necessitated by the passing away of former Chief Minister OommenChandy saw the late leader’s son ChandyOommen romp home by a historic margin of 37, 710 votes. Through the mandate, the people of Kerala made amends for defeating the then OommenChandy-led UDF government, falling to one of the most distasteful campaigns ever witnessed in Kerala, orchestrated by the CPM-led LDF, then in opposition, borne on the wings of the Solar Scam.
The scam also saw the late leader vilified by even charges of sexual misconduct towards the main accused in the Solar Scam. By voting his son to a triumphant win, the people of Kerala attempted to set right a wrong committed by them in defeating the late Chandy-led UDF government and placing the CPI (M)-led LDF on the seats of power in the 2016 assembly elections.
– Dr George Jacob,

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