MyVoice: Views of our readers 13h june 2020


There is a question mark at the end of the title of the editorial- ‘Stars or favour-seekers’? (June 11 edition). Clearly, the stars are for themselves. It is time for redefinition of a star’s popular perception of being someone, who does something in an extraordinary manner.

Stars are merely self-seeking parasites

There is a question mark at the end of the title of the editorial- 'Stars or favour-seekers'? (June 11 edition). Clearly, the stars are for themselves. It is time for redefinition of a star's popular perception of being someone, who does something in an extraordinary manner.

What did many American celebrities do in response to George Floyd's brutal murder? They came out openly against the atrocity. Many European writers took active part in the Spanish civil war in defence of what they believed right. The best example is Ernest Hemingway. Nearer home too many star poets did take active part in revolutionary movements, just because they believed it was their duty. The classic example is Sri Sri.

One gets a sickening feeling, when one thinks of the cine stars of the day. They have everything, more than necessary. Yet, they want more. They always try to be politically correct to protect their huge properties. Worse still, they attempt to make use of right political connections to further augment their wealth.

Hence, there is no wonder that the stars have declined to meet the farmers' delegation of Amaravati. The stars could have met the farmers and expressed their inability to do anything in a matter that has acquired hardened political stances. The irony is, one of the stars was a serious political animal for some time in the past. Still he is a member of a national party. He could have articulated his party's position in the matter, adding a rider that he had a different opinion about it. Nobody could have felt bad then as he had already expressed it openly as it is underlined in the editorial. It would have been a better democratic gesture on the part of the stars.

The mainstream media is (with some honorable exceptions) also after the stars and their glamour. Rarely, one finds a critical article about the irresponsibility of the stars and the national disservice they do with their glamorous visages. Some of the features during lockdown period were ,how did a particularly star spend his time? Was he in the kitchen or did he wash the house etc.

Unless, the real heroes of the national development are given their due and as long as these undeserving bunch gets the glory of the first page, they can go to any far to help themselves, sans any sense of compunction. One wonders, will there be a day when the curve of human/ celebrity selfishness gets flattened? One is disturbed deeply whether it is yet to peak…

Yalamudi Krishnaiah, Khammam

Protocol violators should be penalised

Negligence in following advocacy of health authorities in the wake of dreaded COVID-19, disregard in wearing masks and following social distance norms is detrimental. Few people are taking COVID-19 as a simple disease like cold and frequently moving out without any precautionary throwing of personal and public safety to the wind. Tough stand against such violators is advisable. Imposition of huge fines besides confine them in quarantine for longer periods with broad media coverage is obligatory. Both violators as well as coronavirus are equal in doing harm to our society.

Kondapi Raghubabu, Kandukur

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