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We lack good governance to address problems of people

We lack good governance to address problems of people
Now there is not even an iota of doubt in the minds of people that the dreaded virus, in its second attack on Indians, is showing the signs of being...
Now there is not even an iota of doubt in the minds of people that the dreaded virus, in its second attack on Indians, is showing the signs of being more harmful than ever before by spreading its tentacles in a frightening way which is not only causing spread of infections like wildfire but also laying bare the inadequacies of our health care system which is grappling with ever increasing number of Covid patients with serious symptoms unheard hitherto. (Cases to double in Maha in 15 days: CM & Covid second wave hits Indian kids with severe symptoms - THI, 17 April).
It is highly disturbing that we are breaking all records of the world in letting the virus go berserk. Why have our political leaders, ruling classes who put a grand show before people with their empty promises, futile assurances and high decibel rhetoric failed miserably to save the health, lives, incomes from being shattered by the barbaric virus despite being warned promptly and timely by experts of pandemic containment and also by WHO?
It is glaringly obvious and evident in our country that the political leadership is more interested and is busy in luring more and more voters into its fold with deceptive electoral slogans to capture or retain power with no focus, vision, roadmap and action programme on what for they are elected.(No doubt, they are elected and are running the governments to improve living standards of people by initiating effective measures for improvement in incomes, infrastructure, education, health care, nutrition levels, safety of women and enabling environment for exercising freedoms, liberties and rights.)
It is really frustrating to see our country being shorn of good governance that addresses the burning problems of the people. Now, the social, political and economic future of India looks bleak in the wake of the dangerous slide in political management being witnessed now. Apparently, it is political mismanagement that gave more teeth to the virus to attack the people with renewed vigour to push the fragile healthcare system into chaos. It is a million dollar question whether it is the mutating virus or the political ineptitude that made the lives of toiling masses more miserable.
Whatever may be the answer, it is right time for the people of the country to realize that their enemies are not the fellow citizens belonging to other religions, other regions and other cultures. Obviously, the real enemies of Indians are poverty, pandemic, backwardness, unemployment, lack of unity, brotherhood and harmony among themselves. The faster they know this reality, the better for the future of India because that realisation and awareness of people would certainly pave the way for the misdeeds and misadventures of political leadership being questioned by the people of mature vision and that would definitely lead not only to establish better standards in governance but also to make ruling classes accountable to their words and deeds.
— Narne Raveendra Babu, Hyderabad
Ramu Sarma's writeup "All of us responsible for this spike in Covid cases" (THI April 17) is more than a fact. The main cause of Covid spike jumping from one stage to another stage is solely attributable to negligent attitude of people. How long can governments advise and warn the people to adhere to safety norms? Wearing helmet is for personal safety while covering mouth and nose with a standard mask is for the safety of others.
Second variant wave is more dangerous than first one. Known to this, we are adamant and connecting this contagion to many leading to hospitalisation, high expenditure and also inviting risk of death. Unbearable to bear the brunt, some distressed families are resorting to extreme steps. This is the most pathetic situation ever never faced in the past decades. This catastrophe will be recorded as an indelible big tragic era in the history of humankind.
Belief on God starts where science ends. Almanac pundits predict that pandemic will slowly vanish from this May end. Predictions are based on certain astronomical calculations which may be differed by other pundits and scientists. We have seen last year Ugadi Sarvari means 'darkness' and it showed its true colour on our lives. The name of this year Ugadi is Plava means 'boat' or 'ship' which means take us to other shore safely. But sad to say the prevalent Covid infection is devouring more denizens than before. India has crossed its borders of United States and standing second after Brazil in covid affected number. We can imagine the seriousness that most of the big hospitals are converted into Covid hospitals. Reduction of cases a few months ago felt comfortable to government and that enabled India to export our vaccines to other countries and we are now running shortage as vaccination is made mandatory to above forty five age.
Indiscipline among us costs our precious lives. Whom to blame? All of us are responsible for this spike in Covid cases. There is absolutely no doubt about it. Yes the virus is air borne also as confirmed by experts. Then containing this pandemic will be very very cumbersome. Remedy is in the hands of each and every individual. Governments should also view this spiking problem seriously and initiate strict measures to extinguish this burning problem.
— Dr N S R Murthy, Secunderabad
This refers to the THI Editorial '– 'Disastrous 'times indeed! (April 17). It is true that humans have little or no control over natural disasters. But, it is imperative to learn lessons from such disasters to meaningfully prepare to face them when they occur again. But to throw caution to the winds, and be reluctant to learn from experience, will only make humans worse than the lowest strata among animals, in the animal kingdom. This is true of the Covoid-19 pandemic that the country and world has been facing for more than a year now.
Such, silly and irresponsible behaviour on our part will only lead to complicating things despite the Government's' sincerity and zeal to control the pandemic from the further spread. The wanton and callous behaviour on part of the general public to do exactly the opposite thing that the health experts always wanted them to do, by way of following basic precautions against the Covid-19 – by constantly covering the nose and mouth using a mask, and not to be part of a crowd; constantly go unheeded and uncared for, by ushering in more complications and helping in the spread of the pandemic, to go out of hand as it has already happened now.
This general attitude that is being watched in several states of the country, in states like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh by people is solely responsible for the dangerous spread of the pandemic that has resulted in more and more cases being reported in the country, and increasing deaths of people falling prey to the pandemic which has resulted in a heavy rush and a waiting list at the crematoriums making it impossible to give a decent adieu to the departed. The personal precautions and hygiene measure have to be in place as long as the situation prevails let us never, ever forget this.
Let us not do anything to defeat the well-meaning plans of the establishment in lowering the cases in the country by meaningful and rational cooperation, while goading and warning others who do not comply, and follow the basic rules in preventing in order to keep away the pandemic at an arm's length, before some kind of fool proof rescue measures emerge, worldwide.
— K R Parvathy, Mysuru

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