'Auto bandh' called for on March 15 in Telangana

‘Auto bandh’ called for on March 15 in Telangana

‘Auto bandh’ called for on March 15 in Telangana


Auto drivers resent corruption at RTA offices and 'zulum' by financiers

Hyderguda : Telangana Auto Drivers Joint Action Committee has given one-day 'Auto bandh' call on March, 15 demanding corruption-free RTA offices and demanding that the government formulate necessary guidelines to stop private auto financiers' 'zulum and harassment' among other things.

The JAC is demanding immediate transfer of Hyderabad East Zone and West Zone corrupt RTOs Subash Reddy and CP Venkateshwar Rao respectively without further delay.

Mohd Amanullah Khan, the JAC convenor, pointed out that if the top to bottom corruption is to be routed out the RTA corrupt staff should be nick-named as "Corrupt-Mad Dog, Pick Pocket" and "we do not take bribes" written boards should be erected in every RTA office without fail and corruption should be put down with an iron hand.

The other demands of the auto drivers include: the central government should withdraw the steep rise in the petroleum products including LPG & CNG rates; the diesel-run OLA, Uber cabs causing pollution should be banned from plying on the city roads; stern action against the OLA Uber cabs looting the passengers in the name of 'surge-pricing;' like AP State the Telangana state should also provide Rs 10,000 to every auto annually and help the poor automen.

The drivers are unable to pay the pending e-challan. Huge amounts should be reduced at least by 50% and the police should conduct old spot challan system instead of present e-challan system.

They also demand that the central government's directive to reduce the DL's retest period from 5 years to 1 year should be withdrawn immediately and the existing auto fares fixed by the then Congress government (7) years back with effect from February 14, 2014 should be increased on par with the other neighbouring states keeping in view the high cost of living and high cost of vehicle operational charges.

K Lakshmi Narsaiah, Shaik Ahmed Mamu, Mohd Akhtar, Mohd Shareef, Prakash Mudiraj, Syed Khader, Mohd Azeemuddin, Mohd Lateef and Farooq also participated in the press meet.

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