Hans marathon a big draw as thousands hit the streets

Hans marathon a big draw as thousands hit the streets

September 10, Sunday will be a red-letter day in the annals of Hyderabad’s history as the Hans India’s marathon run event proved a big draw with enthusiastic participation of over 5,000 people, drawn from different walks of life.

September 10, Sunday will be a red-letter day in the annals of Hyderabad’s history as the Hans India’s marathon run event proved a big draw with enthusiastic participation of over 5,000 people, drawn from different walks of life.

Soon after the crack of dawn, young and old, men and women, sporting running outfits, started trickling in at the starting point at Necklace Road, undeterred by darks clouds hovering over the skies. For thousands of participants of all ages and both sexes, winning accolades or pocketing prizes was not their cup of tea, but they walked, ran and sprinted for a good cause- to spread awareness on the prevention of suicides, marathon initiated by the Hans India in synchronisation with World Suicide Prevention Day on Sunday.

It is an open secret that we are passing through an age of anxiety, where number of suicides spiked to an alarming high, flagging a deep concern among all and drive home the message that suicide is not end-all solution to the nagging problems and rekindle the hope among the disappointed and distraught folks. All through marathon route, participants whooped with delight as a good sprinkling of girls and women added zing to the event, which will be cherished for a long time to come.

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