Hyderabad: 'Food Safety on Wheels' to curb food adulteration

‘Food Safety on Wheels’ to curb food adulteration

‘Food Safety on Wheels’ to curb food adulteration


Mobile food testing labs to conduct tests

Hyderabad: In order to curb food adulteration across the State by conducting food safety tests, the State Food Safety Laboratory in Nacharam has launched four buses named 'Food Safety on Wheels' on Friday.

The four mobile food testing buses have been equipped with digital infrastructure and technology-based laboratory which was flagged off by State Health Minister T Harish Rao and Uppal MLA Subhash Reddy.

The bus will also have three staff members including one food inspector, attender and data entry personnel. Complaints registered at the State Food Laboratory will be attended by the mobile food testing buses.

According to Harish Rao, each bus costs Rs 60 lakh and a total of Rs 2.4 crore have been put in for the four food safety buses.

The minister also inspected the labs of beverages, milk, oils, spices, sweets, ready-made food and other sections of the food safety laboratory in Nacharam. He asked about the examination procedure and the manner in which the forgery took place.

A review meeting was conducted with concerned officials on food safety in the State. Rao said, "Necessary action will be taken against those who are into food adulteration. The government would extend all possible assistance in providing quality food items to the people."

During the review meeting the minister directed the authorities to prepare and send monthly reports to the health department.

Harish said, "The number of food inspectors has increased in the State. Soon a special task force will be set up at the State level for extensive inspection of food. In addition to the existing bus service at GHMC, one bus will be available in Warangal, Khammam and Nizamabad districts."

Food adulteration would be detected in the respective districts and awareness programmes will be conducted to alert the public about food adulteration through mobile food safety buses. "The task force along with food inspectors will make surprise visits to various food processing factories, hotels and other establishments involving food," he added.

He said the task force would take appropriate action as soon as they receive complaints. The government is taking steps to curb food adulteration and people can call the helpline number 040-21111111 if they have any information about adulteration anywhere and the authorities will take appropriate action immediately.

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