Hyderabad: Old City youth cry for libraries, study centres

Old City youth cry for libraries, study centres

Old City youth cry for libraries, study centres 


The condition of libraries as well as coaching centres under TSMFC is poor and there is a lack of required study material, too

Hyderabad: After the State government announced its massive recruitment plan, a record number of young persons started visiting libraries in the city. However, the youth in the Old city are facing difficulties due to lack of facilities like libraries and coaching centres.

They said, if the government, particularly the Department of Minority, provides required books for these competitive exams, it will be helpful for the minority youths especially in Old city. A huge population of minorities lives in the South part of the city and if provisional training centres are set up to train the youths for the competitive exams it will help them to better their future.

It has been observed that the condition of the libraries as well as the coaching centres under TSMFC is poor and there is a lack of required material. "There are over 40 coaching centres in the city under TS Minority Finance Corporation and few of them also include the study material cum library, but now none of them is functioning in the city, as the TSMFC was headless for the last two years. It is the responsibility of the government and the minority welfare to provide study material in Urdu, English and Telugu languages for the better future of the minority youth," said Asif Hussain Hussain, social activist.

Coaching has been started in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, but for minorities in the Old city there are no coaching centres yet. " As it is a great chance for the minorities to seek jobs in government departments, the minority welfare must take up the initiative and start providing study materials and coaching classes for competitive tests."

Meanwhile, the Minority Welfare Director, Shanawaz Qasim said that for the eligibility tests for the government departments jobs, the classes will be commencing soon. The Minority welfare study circle is already conducting a common foundation course where basics like general knowledge, current affairs and other common subjects of any job-seeking exam are taught. Study material is also provided to the candidates by the study circle. And the content is also being uploaded on YouTube for the benefit of the student community," said Qasim.

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