Low turnout in Rahamath Nagar

Low turnout in Rahamath Nagar
Low turnout in Rahamath Nagar

The polling stations in Rahamath Nagar have witnessed very less voting percentage , specifically Polling in the booth numbers 120,121,122 is wearing a deserted look with hardly anyone exercising their franchise.

Hyderabad: The polling stations in Rahamath Nagar have witnessed very less voting percentage , specifically Polling in the booth numbers 120,121,122 is wearing a deserted look with hardly anyone exercising their franchise.

Polling at MMCC school booth in Rahamath Nagar area has been stopped for few minutes due to technical snag. Voters caught unaware as their names was found to have been removed from the voters list. Polling agents face inconveniences as they got to sit outside in the hot sun, they claim poor service from the agents.

There was a thin attendance of voters at the polling station in the early hours of polling. Though the authorities have claimed that they have distributed voter slips to the voters, a majority of voters had abstained from voting reportedly due to non-distribution of voting slips.

Some voters arrived at the polling station to check their names, but in vain. The performance of the election equipment, the ballot units, control unit and voter verifiable paper audit trail machines has been satisfactory in the Booth.

"Polling commenced with an enthusiastic note at polling station 120,121,122 in MMCC School. A large number of people arrived at polling station to cast their vote and enquiring with us if their vote is here. Many of the voters reached polling stations with Aadhaar cards.

Those who could not get voter slips are showing the voter details in cell phones to cast their votes," said Narsimha, agent for Independent Party. "Polling in this booth was average, there was no youngster seen since morning, 30-45 aged voters were seen in large numbers, a low percentage of voters turned to cast their vote.

Moreover, agents in any booth were allowed to sit outside, But in this booth we had to sit outside in this hot sunshine which is terrific" said Ravi kanth, agent for TRS Party. Lokesh, Mohan, Prakash, Durga were the other agents who were present at the polling station.

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