Startups from OTBI blaze new trails, steal thunder at ISSF-23

Startups from OTBI blaze new trails, steal thunder at ISSF-23

Hyderabad: In a resounding celebration of technological ingenuity and entrepreneurial prowess, Atmos Blue, heralded a paradigm shift with its...

Hyderabad: In a resounding celebration of technological ingenuity and entrepreneurial prowess, Atmos Blue, heralded a paradigm shift with its innovative production of alkaline drinking water harvested from atmosphere. In this whole process, no single drop of water is wasted and mineralized with Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper, Zinc and Iron. This startup was incubated at the Osmania Technology Business Incubator and emerged as victorious trailblazer on the grand stage of the India Startup Festival (ISF 2023), held in the picturesque town of Chikkaballapur this August.

Another start up, Aigen Labs, with its visionary commitment to revolutionise multifarious engineering challenges through cutting-edge technology achieved accolade by signaling a new era of innovation and sustainable advancement.

In a remarkable convergence of expertise and innovation, Aigen Labs, was founded by Dr Adarsh Kodhanda. With a distinguished background as an electrical engineer, Dr Adarsh’s academic journey obtained a Master’s degree in Modelling and Simulation from the Department of Applied Mathematics, and a PhD in Control Systems from the illustrious Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) in Pune, Maharashtra.

Fueled by an unwavering passion for progress, Aigen Labs is propelled by a dynamic team of scholarly researchers, adept engineers, erudite mentors, and skilled management professionals. The startup has seamlessly woven innovation into its fabric, consistently delivering a diverse array of cutting-edge solutions to its clientele.

The technology areas catered under the ambit of autonomous and aerial systems include design and development of flight control systems (autopilot), 5G enabled AI based drones for smart-agricultural solutions, payload control mechanisms, drone based geospatial mapping and surveillance, drone based civil structural health monitoring, mathematical modelling, simulation and system identification of various complex systems.

A triumphant stride towards sustainable innovation, Atmos Blue has manifested its visionary inception into a remarkable reality under the collective guidance of its founders: Dr K Praneeth. A Siva Meghana, and Dr Bhanu Prakash Reddy V Pioneering a groundbreaking initiative, this ingenious project focuses on harnessing atmospheric resources to yield alkaline drinking water, a feat that has now been unveiled to the market under the name of ATMOS BLUE.

In this, moisture in air is converted to water, purification and mineralization of water to alkaline water with a pH of 9.3.

The benefits of drinking alkaline water includes better hydration, effective anti-oxidant, eliminates toxins, reduce bone loss, wards of allergies, helps in weight loss, improves body pH and others. The products available in the market from Atmos Blue includes 500 ml alkaline water bottle (made of natural biodegradable plastic bottle), 1000 ml glass water bottle with alkaline water, 20 litres jars made with silver lining inside to control post contamination of water.

Osmania Foundation supported the travel expenses and accommodation for these startups while ISF 2023 provided a complementary stall and free entry by waiving the registration fee considering the legacy of Osmania University.

Osmania Technology Business Incubator, an initiative of OU Idea Labs Foundation is funded by the Ministry of Education under the RashtriyaUchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA 2.0) scheme of the Government of India.

Osmania TBI is a multi-disciplinary incubator and accelerator at Central Facilities for Research and Development (CFRD) building, Osmania University wherein, 16 startups are functioning.

Adapting to technology is about recognizing its transformative potential and proactively leveraging it to shape a more progressive and connected future. Our 5G enabled drones equipped with sophisticated artificial intelligence, exhibit enhanced autonomy, enabling them to navigate complex environments, make real-time decisions, and adapt to dynamic situations.

This translates to more efficient crop monitoring, rapid disaster assessments, streamlined delivery operations, and improved security surveillance. We at Aigen Labs are in a constant pursuit of fusing real proficiency with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in addressing critical challenges of various domains and thereby making the world a sustainable and better place to live.

- Dr Adarsh Kodhanda, Founder, Aigen Labs

With a pioneering spirit, ATMOS Blue captures the essence of this boundless atmosphere, channeling its life-giving essence into a remarkable offering - Natural Alkaline Water.

- Dr Praneeth Koppineni Founder ATMOS Blue

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