Training necessary for politicians: Venkaiah Naidu

M Venkaiah Naidu

M Venkaiah Naidu(File Photo)


There was a dire need for training politicians without any party affiliation; it would help them in development works of government and also in various initiatives of public welfare, says former V-P

Hyderabad: Taking a jibe at the political situation prevailing in the country, former Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday said that there was a dire need for training politicians without any party affiliation; it would help them in development works of government and also in various initiatives of public welfare.

Naidu was addressing the 61st Foundation Day function of the National Institute of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, (NiMSME). Referring to Guru Purnima celebrated on Monday, he said, “guru bestows us with knowledge and wisdom. Although today all kinds of knowledge is available on Google, but in spite of this, Google cannot take the place of guru in any situation. Keeping in view the importance of orientation and training programmes, the Government of India has started conducting skill development programmes.”

He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given the mantra of Reform, Perform and Transform, which means reform, implement and transform. For the country, for betterment of people, transformation is necessary. “We will have to transform our system, to work according to the system; the thinking of people will also have to be transformed,” he said adding the ultimate aim of training and research was to provide more happy life to people.

He recalled training classes for politicians were conducted by the Swatantra Party of Acharya NG Ranga, apart from the Jana Sangh and the Communist Party. Similar training programmes should be conducted by political parties as well. He said training gives a kind of perspective, through which we can recognise different environments. He stressed on the need to preserve and share experiences. Describing NiMSME as the backbone of the economy, Naidu said on the basis of the contribution of this sector, the economy has become the fifth largest in the world. He said if efforts are made in the right direction by maintaining this momentum, then it will not take long for India to become the third largest economy. The whole world is looking towards India. There is a need to take industries to village level through MSMEs.

Underlining the use of regional languages to truly take training to people at village level, Naidu said if people are trained in their mother tongue, it goes straight to their brains, whereas in other languages they have to learn that language first. Director-General of institute, Dr S Glory Swarupa, spoke.

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