Who will protect Hindus? Certainly, not BJP, RSS or VHP!

Who will protect Hindus? Certainly, not BJP, RSS or VHP!

After the recent genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh, a lot of hue and cry has been raised in India against the new Jihadi dispensation in that country.

After the recent genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh, a lot of hue and cry has been raised in India against the new Jihadi dispensation in that country. Several Hindus, say Sanatani organisations claiming to be the “protectors” of Hindus, have come forward to register their protest against the mass acts of violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. However, the protestors’ number is sadly small, if not very small despite the fact that more than 75% of population, including Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, is Hindu or Sanatani.

Of late, attacks on Hindu population in India as well as in the US, UK and most European countries have substantially increased. The Hindus are considered as ‘soft’ targets incapable of retaliating effectively.

True, it is the basic duty of the government to protect the life and property of all its citizens irrespective of religion, caste, creed or language. Then, the question that arises is what is the solution when the government fails to perform this basic duty. In the name of secularism when the ruling power that be, turns a Nelson’s eye on the gruesome attacks on the majority population even within the country, it is obvious that the Jihadi elements become bolder and more aggressive day after day. The present sorry state of affairs is the outcome of such bias attitude and policy of appeasement to Muslims not only by the Congress or Congress-led governments of the yesteryears, but also the present government of the BJP or BJP-led government .

In fact, this is nothing but a clear betrayal of the people’s faith. They voted for the BJP in 2014 with the cherished hope that it would officially declare India as Hindu Rashtra so that their religious faith will be protected. The people were feeling suffocated with the successive non-BJP governments who had not minced words to show their partisan attitude towards Muslims and other minorities, with the sole exception of Parsis, who never claimed any benefits as a ‘minority’, though with their miniscule number they are the ‘real’ minority.

This raises next question: If the Congress and other Opposition parties can clearly and unequivocally take a stand in favour of Muslims, what prevents the BJP and its allies to do so in favour of the vast Hindu population? The answer is not far away to seek. In a single word, it is the ‘hypocrisy’ of the BJP and its mentor organisations like the RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and what not. It is interesting and amusing to know that the BJP, which claims to be the largest political party in the world, does not have its own cadre of workers! Yes, the BJP, though its leadership denies outrightly, is ‘totally’ dependent on the so-called apolitical organisations like the RSS, VHP, Bajarang Dal for all its political activities right from enrolling members, organising celebrations of Hindu festivals such as Ganesh, Durga Puja, Navratri to voters registration, mobilising voters, polling booth management. Indeed, it is pitiable that gullible Hindus think that the BJP is different from the RSS or VHP or Bajrang Dal. The intellectually bankrupt Hindus also are under the wrong impression that the RSS and other organisations are the protector of Hindu interests. Going by the utterances of RSS leadership, India is ‘already’ a Hindu Rashtra because the forefathers of Muslims and Christians were all Hindus. Fine, it has no answer to the intriguing question: if so, why Jihad against Hindus by the so-called RSS certified Indian Muslims?

Indeed, the time has come for every Hindu to see through this game of double standards by the so-called Hindu protectors whose main interest is to ‘fool’ Hindus on the one hand and gather multiple civilian ‘state honours’ from the die-hard Muslim countries! The leaders living with A to Z security covers feel that their duty to protect Hindus is complete with rendering lip-service while the weaponless , combat-training-less Hindu masses are left to fend themselves from the armed mobs of Jihadis! Crass negligence of the human rights and failure to protect the life and property of the majority population of Hindus by the government of the day is clear violation of the constitution. The Supreme Court as the final arbiter of the constitutional mandate would do no wrong in taking the grim situation into account coupled with Nero playing with the fiddle when Rome was burning like situation and taking Suo Motu action, including recommending to the President to dismiss the present-day incompetent government immediately.


A Supreme Court bench of Justices Sudhanshu Dhulia and Ahsanuddin Amanullah, by its judgment dated July 30, held that procedural techanicalities should not hinder substantive justice. The court noted that the long delay of 17 years in filing the written statement by the defendant was caused not due to his negligence, but due to the wrong entry made in the high court’s website, which erroneously showed the status of the case as disposed of in 2000.

The court in the case, PIC Departmentals Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Sreeleathers Pvt. Ltd, held that procedural laws are primarily intended to achieve the ends of justice and, normally, not to shut the doors of justice for the parties at the very threshold.


In a case, Tapaswini Panda Vs. Zonal Manager, LIC Patna, the Orissa High Court has held that the date of birth as shown in the Voter ID or electoral list cannot be taken as the proof of age of a person.

The bench of Justice S K Panigrahi observed that the insurance companies should impart training to their agents to explain to the applicants the serious consequences of furnishing false particulars in the proposal applications.


The first digital court in the country to deal with the cases pertaining to Negotiable Instruments Act was inaugurated on August 16 at the Kerala High Court by Supreme Court judge Justice B R Gavai. The court will function at Kollam.


The advocates of Telangana recently converged at the High Court in large number and strongly condemned genocide of Hindu population in Bangladesh. The Bar leaders later took out a rally expressing support to the government’s efforts to render help to the Bangladeshi Hindus.


S Nagender, President, South India Advocates’ JAC, while inaugurating the new office premises at Nallakunta, reiterated the demand for setting up of a bench of the Supreme Court at Hyderabad. “Our demand is long pending and now that the Cabinet Standing Committee too has favourably recommended to the government, the SC should go ahead with the establishment of its southern bench at Hyderabad at the earliest. The bench will help the region’s litigant population, as seeking justice will become easy and affordable”, he added.

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