Visakhapatnam: Adversity did not stop him from 'flying' high

Auto-rickshaw driver’s son Gudla Gopinadh, who is now posted as a flying officer in Meteorology branch of the armed forces

Auto-rickshaw driver’s son Gudla Gopinadh, who is now posted as a flying officer in Meteorology branch of the armed forces


  • Gopinadh says he is proud of his humble beginnings
  • His parents struggled hard to empower him with education
  • Vizag-based flying officer will soon be heading to Kashmir

Visakhapatnam: Gudla Gopinadh had all the reasons to blame the circumstances he encountered in his life and give up. But his adversity did not stop him from dreaming big.

His years of efforts to be part of the Indian Air Force have finally been fulfilled as he is now commissioned as a flying officer in the Meteorology branch of the armed forces in Kashmir.

Son of G Suribabu, an auto-rickshaw driver, and G Chinnatalli, a homemaker, Gopinadh says that the journey to become the class-I officer was, however, not easy. "Except our determination and grit, our financial background will not come in the way to achieve goals," says the Vizag-based IAF officer.

After trying his luck to get into the National Defence Academy during his Intermediate, Gopinadh appeared for the Combined Defence Services. Finally, he got selected in the Air Force Admission Test, clearing Service Selection Board (SSB) for the 10th time. "Though I could not get through the SSB nine times, it did stop me from trying again. Thankfully, being part of the NCC and NSS helped me acquire leadership qualities and motivational skills. For a person who wants to be part of the defence, these are the qualities that count," shares the 29-year-old flying officer. He says that he drew inspiration from his maternal uncle, a retired soldier in the army.

Sharing a slice of his humble beginnings, Gopinadh says that his parents worked hard to fulfil his dreams. "My father encouraged us (me and my sister Gowri Priya) to study well. I did B Sc in Dr VS Krishna Government Degree College and later did M Sc and MBA in distance mode at Andhra University. My father struggled hard to empower us with education and now it is my turn to reciprocate my gratitude towards him," he says.

Gopinadh believes that circumstances will certainly not dictate the kind of life one decides to lead. "The strength to push boundaries is from within. Even when more odds are stacked against us, the situation will propel us to discover our dream," he adds.

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