Yoga for All: Swami Ramdev and 20,000 Yogis Spreading the Message on International Day of Yoga

Yoga for All: Swami Ramdev and 20,000 Yogis Spreading the Message on International Day of Yoga

  • Yoga is the only way to connect the whole world: Acharya Balkrishna
  • We will develop the state in the field of yoga , spirituality and culture: Uttarakhand Chief Minister
  • Yoga was done simultaneously in 600 districts and 5000 tehsils of the country.

Haridwar, 21 June: on the occasion of 9th International Yoga Day, Patanjali Wellness Center, Patanjali Yogpeeth-. A yoga session was organized on the huge ground, in which about 20 thousand yoga seekers took advantage of yoga. With the sound of Yoga by Swamiji Maharaj, the whole world became Yogic. At the same time, yoga exercises were done simultaneously in almost all the 600 districts and 5000 tehsils of the country. On this occasion, Swami Ji Maharaj said that the students of Patanjali University go to Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, etc. universities, I.I.T. and I.I.M. Patanjali will provide this opportunity to create more health and wealth. Students of Patanjali University will hoist the flag of research and knowledge all over the world on the strength of science, mathematics, technology, artificial intelligence, aerospace, and information technology as well as Indian culture and ancient knowledge. He said that we will export Yogis from India all over the world who will be Yogis from the inside and will not only provide medical solutions to diseases all over the world but will lead the world in every field. People from different communities like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jain, Buddhist, etc participated in the program, ending the distinction of religion-caste-community.

On this occasion, Swami Ji Maharaj said that Yoga for Universe, Yoga for Yug, Yoga for Self-Reliance, Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is being practiced from Patanjali Yogpeeth and today we are here together to celebrate the 9th International Yoga Day are collected. In India, at least more than 100 million people came out of their homes for yoga, this is the unique charm of yoga. Through this Yog Dharma, Ved Dharma, Rishi Dharma, Sanatan Dharma, a new beginning of Rashtra Dharma, a new voice of Yug Dharma has been resonating.

He said that on one hand, the Prime Minister of the country is doing yoga in UNO, while in Uttarakhand, along with more than 20 thousand people of the country, the most youthful, energetic, powerful Chief Minister of the state Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami ji also did yoga with us for two and a half hours. practiced. He said that we have to make Uttarakhand Yogyukt, disease-free and drug-free. Uttarakhand has to be developed as the cultural and spiritual capital of the world by promoting industry and entrepreneurship along with yoga. With this resolution, today we are celebrating this Yoga Day. Today, on the occasion of Yoga Day, a Yogic world is happening here by crossing all the boundaries of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jain, Buddhist, country-foreign, caste-region, religion-religion, all are doing yoga together, Yogmay The era is happening and due to this, the prestige of India is increasing all over the world. He said that economic and political empires keep on forming and deteriorating, if there is a true empire then it is a cultural empire, we have got that cultural Sanatan empire from our forefathers.

In the program, Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj said that Yog Rishi Revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj was the first to blow the conch shell of Yoga and the whole world started following him by becoming Yogic. It is due to the unbroken penance and effort of Revered Swamiji Maharaj that Yoga has been able to re-establish itself on the world stage today. It is a matter of great fortune for us that we are celebrating Yoga Day in the company of such revered Swamiji, who dedicated his life to Yoga. The embodiment of Yoga for All is visible in Patanjali. Today, Patanjali is doing the work of breaking all the walls erected in this country in the name of disabled brothers and sisters, caste-religion-region-province-language, etc. If there is only one way to connect the whole world, then it is Yoga. Yoga has not only done the work of connecting the whole world with our culture, and Sanatan tradition but also the effort of a Yogi has been transformed into a successful Prime Minister. India's pride has increased by getting recognition at the global level. Crores of people are not only getting rid of diseases through yoga but also yoga has opened the door of employment for lakhs of young generations.

Honorable Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami said that it is my great fortune that I got the opportunity to do yoga with 20 thousand people in the company of Swamiji. He said that Uttarakhand is certainly the center not only of India but of the whole world. We will try to develop Uttarakhand in the field of yoga, spirituality, and culture. The slogan of the Uttarakhand government is to complete the journey of success with determination and unwavering effort. With this resolution, soon we are going to organize a Global Investor Summit in Uttarakhand in which we will invite people from India and abroad. He said that the eminent Prime Minister of the country Shri Narendra Modi and the respected Swami Ramdev have made a special contribution in the establishment of International Yoga Day. Patanjali has given a new life to the almost extinct yoga.

In the program, Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj performed prayer, cervical movement, shoulder movement, lumbar movement, knee movement, standing asanas (Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Padahastasana, Ardha-Chakrasana, Trikonasana), seated asanas under the program. (Bhadrasana , Vajrasana , Ardha Ustrasana , Ustrasana , Shasakasana , Uttanmandukasana , Vakrasana) , Asanas done lying on the abdomen (Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana), Asanas done lying on the back (Setubandhasana, Uttanapadasana, Ardha-halasana ), Pawanmuktasan, Shavasan) , Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Sheetli and Bhramari etc. Yogasan-Pranayama's practice and meditation, resolved. The yoga session ended with Shanti Path.

In the program, 66 child yogis of Patanjali Gurukulam performed Surya Namaskar more than 2100 times for 150 minutes continuously. Students of Patanjali Gurukulam, Acharyakulam, and Patanjali University performed mallakhambha, wrestling, yogic postures, gymnastics, etc.

Swami ji made the 20 thousand devotees present to take a resolution to become drug-free by having yoga. Along with this, the book based on the Kumaoni translation of Ramayana by Swami Videhdev's father Dr. Vishwambhar Bishan Dutt Joshi 'Shailaj' was released by Swami ji, Acharya Ji, and the state Chief Minister.

Thousands of workers of Patanjali Yogpeeth, Bharat Swabhiman, and Patanjali Yogpeeth from hundreds of villages of Roorkee, Rishikesh, Haridwar, and Dehradun participated under the leadership of brother Bhaskar Oli ji and sister Seema Johar ji.

On this occasion, Sadhvi Devpriya, Chief Women Central Incharge of Patanjali Yoga Samiti and Dean of Patanjali University and Faculty of Humanities and Oriental Studies, Sister Ritambhara Shastri, Director of Acharyakulam, Patanjali Foods Ltd. K M.D. Mr. Rambharat, Purchase Committee Chairperson Sister Anshul, Head of Communication Department Sister Parul, Chief Central Incharges Brother Rakesh 'Bharat' and Swami Parmarth Dev, Vice-Chancellor of Patanjali University Dr. Mahavir Ji, Chief Scientist of Patanjali Research Institute Dr. Anurag Varshney, University Registrar Madam Praveen Punia, Proctor Swami Arshadev, Assistant Registrar Dr. Nirvikar, Sadhvi Devmayi, Sadhvi Devshruti, Sadhvi Devvaranya, Swami Videhdev, Swami Mitradev, Swami Vinaydev, Swami Ishdev, Swami Somdev, Swami Bajrangdev, etc participated in the yoga session.

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