10 Stunning Sun Halo Images: Sun in a Perfect Circle Right Now
Rober Green of London has caught this glorious solar halo on 12th August, 2017, from Suouroy, Faroe islands. His daughter Mia is standing beneath!.
Bengaluru resident clicks this image of sun halo.
Sun halo and sundogs, which has been captured 37,000 feet up over Bhopal, India, on October 3rd, 2015.
Doug Waters in New Bern, North Carolina, caught this photo on 4th February, 2015.
Halo around the sun, seen from Sweden on 24th April, 2014, captured by Fotograf Goran Strand
Abhinav Singhai Captured this sun halo above wheat field in the month of November, 2014.
Jean Marie Andre Delaporte captures this image of a halo around the sun in Normandy, France in the year 2014, month April.
Solar halo seen on 14th May in Monmouth, New Jersey, captured by Stacey Baker –Bruno
This one, delicate halo image, as sandy was carving its path of destruction along the U.S East coast.
Sun Halo seen in Tuscon, Arizona in the month of September, year 2012, image captured by Sean Parker.