Exercise regularly

Exercise can be very effective for reducing abdominal fat and providing many other health benefits. Weight training and cardiovascular exercise will reduce fat across the body.
Avoid sugar and sugar-sweetened drinks
Excess sugar consumption maybe the primary driver of excess fat in the abdomen and liver. This is particularly true of sugary beverages like soft drinks.
Eat more protein
Eating plenty of protein can boost your metabolism and reduce hunger levels, making it a very effective way to lose weight. Several studies suggest that protein is particularly effective against abdominal fat. Try increasing your intake of high protein foods such as whole eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, meat, and dairy products. These are the best protein sources for your diet.
Eat fiber-rich foods
There’s some evidence that soluble dietary fiber can lead to reduced amounts of belly fat. This should cause major improvements in metabolic health and reduce the risk of certain diseases. The best way to get more fiber is to eat a lot of plant foods, including vegetables and fruit. Legumes are also a good source, as well as some cereals, such as whole oats.
Eat fewer carbohydrates
Studies have shown that cutting carbs is particularly effective at getting rid of the fat in the belly area, around the organs, and in the liver. Just avoiding the refined carbs like sugar, candy, and white bread should be sufficient, especially if you keep your protein intake high.