7 Yoga Asanas Of Malaika Arora To Stay Fit And Healthy

Utthita Vasisthasana – Side Plank Pose
• Start in Plank Pose, press firmly through your hands with your shoulders aligned over your wrists.

• Keep your core muscles and legs engaged, roll both your heels to the right.

• Stack your left foot on top of the right than lift your left leg off the floor.

• Press down through the right hand and raise your left hand. Keep your lower belly engaged and your tailbone long.

• Look up to your hand or ahead of you.
Setubhandhasana – Bridge Pose
• Lie down on your back with legs straight on the floor, palms beside your thighs.

• Bend both your knees, keeping legs and hips apart, heels closer to the hips.

• Inhale, lift your stomach and chest up by taking hips off the floor.

• Give support to your lower back with your hands.

• Now straighten your legs with toes pointing in front.
Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand
• Lie down in the supine position.

• Raise your legs slowly upward and bring it to a 90° angle.

• Bring the legs towards the head by raising the buttocks.

• Raise the legs, abdomen and chest and try to form a straight line.

• Place the palms on your back for support.

• Place the chin against your chest.

• Maintain the position as long as comfortable.
Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
• Lie down flat on your stomach.

• Rest the palms by the side of your chest, arms close to your body, elbows pointing outwards.

• Inhale and raise your forehead, neck and shoulders.

• Raise your trunk using the strength of your arms. Look upward breathing normally.

• Make sure that your stomach is pressed on the floor and slowly come back to normal.
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana - Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose
• Stand-up straight with legs together.

• Bring your left knee towards your belly.

• Hold the big toe of the left leg with the left hand.

• Inhale and extend your leg to the side shoulder level.

• Maintain the balance on the right leg.

• Lift your right hand up. Keep both your knees straight and look forward.
Virabhadrasana - Warrior Pose 2
• Stand-up with legs 4 to 5 feet apart.

• Keep your right foot at 90-degree angle and with your right toes pointing out, keep your left foot at 45 degrees.

• Bring your hands by shoulder level, parallel to the ground.

• Bend your right knee and look towards right hands.

• Keep your hip square and the right thigh parallel to the ground. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and release the posture.

Adho Mukha Kapotasana - Downward Facing Pigeon Pose
• From downward dog, bring your left leg forward, crossover the leg and sit on your left thigh, left heal touching your right hip.

• Exhale and bend forward extending your hands in front, chest resting on your left thigh.

• Hold for a few breaths and release the posture.

• Repeat the steps with the right leg.