7 Foods You Must Not Eat RAW
You must not leave the habit of earing hard and crunchy raw rice, the reason is, bacteria are usually not present in the cooked rice.
Castor beans
Castor oil is prepared using castor seeds, this oil helps cure constipation, you must never eat castor seeds, rawones if it is cooked, a poisonous toxin ricin present would be present.
Raw Taro contains calcium oxalate, which can cause a feeling of numbness in the mouth or choking in the throat.
Raw milk is also known unpasteurized milk, it carries potentially harmful bacteria such as E coli and salmonella. This pasteurization process kills these bacteria and makes it safe to consume milk.
Raw eggs might contain pathosgen salmonella, which may lead to food positioning. Hence, US department of Agriculture (USDA) considers safe to use eggs, if they are pasteurized.
Kidney beans
Although they are packed with protein, fibre, and antioxidants, kidney beans can cause a lot of abdominal discomfort if consumed raw.
Apple seeds
It’s a popular practice to eat the entire apple, but you really should avoid the seeds. They contain a chemical that can turn into cyanide when digested, which can make you feel very ill.