World Egg Day: Amazing Health Benefits of Eggs
Eggs are loaded with 13 essential vitamins and minerals and they form part of healthy diet.
Highest quality of Protein
They are perfect protein source, one single egg contain nearing to 6.3 grams of highest quality protein available.
Improves good cholesterol
Eggs increase high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels or good cholesterol as it is common known
Great source of Vitamin D
A serving of 2 eggs offers 82% of recommended daily intake of Vitamin D.
Helps in weight Management
Eating eggs helps you feel full for longer period and also keeps your energy levels higher.
Best Dietary sources of choline
Eggs are rich source of choline, offering more than the double of choline per 100g when compared to any other commonly eaten food.
Good source of Omega -3s
These are essential fats; they play a significant role in the way the cell membranes work.
Contains Antioxidants
Eggs are rich in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, both of them play a protective role in reducing the risk of specific eye diseases.
Aids healthy Aging
Eggs are simple means to increase nutrient intake for older people, thus promotes healthy aging.
Supports mental health
Eggs help in long way towards supporting stress reduction as well as better mental health practices.