10 Summer Survival Tips for Your Overheating Phone

Is your phone feeling a little too warm for comfort in this scorching Indian summer? You're not alone! Fear not, there are simple steps you can take to keep your phone cool and prevent damage.
-Just like you wouldn't spend all day directly under the sun, avoid exposing your phone to direct sunlight for extended periods. The sun's heat can damage your phone's delicate internal components, especially the lithium-ion battery.
-If your phone gets hot, give it a break before plugging it in. Let it cool down for a while to avoid further overheating during charging. Consider shorter charging sessions instead of aiming for a full charge.
-Also, there's no need to always reach 100% - an 80% charge is plenty for most situations.
-Switch off your phone for 15-20 minutes. Think of it as a mini-vacation for your phone. It's a small computer after all, and just like us, it needs time to cool down and refresh.
-Plus, a break from the digital world can help you reconnect with the real world around you.
Summer heat can turn your car into an oven. Don't leave your phone inside, especially on the dashboard where the sun beats down directly. The intense heat can easily damage your phone.
-When you're on the go, avoid keeping your phone in your pocket. Your body heat combined with the phone's own heat generation can be a recipe for overheating. Carry your phone in a bag instead, allowing for better airflow.
-Take a break from demanding tasks like gaming or video streaming, which can strain your phone's processor and generate more heat.
-Lower your screen brightness. A dimmer screen uses less battery and reduces heat generation.
-Finally, close any unnecessary background apps that might be putting a strain on the processor.