Earth Hour –Show your Planet Some Love! What You Can Do

Switch off everything
The whole idea is to switch-off lights for an hour, but why stop there? Try to switch off everything that runs on electricity, be it music system, TV or other home appliances. This could inspire to you to work towards off the grid family home.
Speak to one another
In the modern world, we are busy and have overworked lifestyle; hardly we find time to talk to our family members without distraction of TV or phones. Earth hour is a perfect time; we can come together and spend quality time with our loved ones.
Glow sticks for lighting
If you have kids or pets around in your house, the safe bet would be glow sticks. This is a safer alternative when compared to lighting candles. You can place them in bundles in a jar and keep them in all the corners of your house. The place would look lively with these lights.
Cook a meal together
This is another best way to connect with your extended family; you can prepare simple meals during the earth hour without using any electrical home appliances. This will help you raise awareness of this day as well as help bond well with your extended family too.
Have a Game night
One fun way to make it memorable is, by having game night by lighting candles and playing any indoor games such as board games or charades. Some of them enjoy so much that they do not want to switch the lights back after an hour too.
Take a walk around the city
During the earth hour, you will find even the major landmarks of your city are switched off and you will be surprised to find as to how different things can look without light. You can gather your cousins or you can walk along with your partner and have a look as to how your city is celebrating the earth hour.
Gaze the sky in the night
During the earth hour, when everyone switches off the light and unplugs, the sky lights up. You can clearly see the stars because there is no light pollution.
Draw in the Dark
Drawing is always a fun activity not only for kids, but even for grown up too. Drawing in the dark can add up a lot of surprise element. For that, get some large drawing sheets, when lights are switched off, start drawing in the dark and when light is on, you will have a good laugh when you see, what you have drawn in the dark.
Unplugged jam Session
Invite all your musical friends to spend the earth hour at your place and tell them not to forget to carry their musical instruments. During the earth hour, they can play your favorite tunes as a group. Thus, you can have unplugged jam sessions.
Candle light workout
Call your friends and form a group and burn calories; let your heart rate rise during candlelight workout. In your down time, you can also think about various ways as to how or your friends can commit towards saving the planet.
Make a resolution –To Reduce Carbon Footprint
It is a good day to begin, make a resolution that you would strive to reduce carbon footprint. If you are leaving the room for more than 15 minutes or more, try to switch off the light and another thing what you can do is, you can move to e-billing, so that you can help save paper.
Terrain walk
Are you familiar with one of your local trails, then you gathering your colony people or group of friends for a flashlight or lantern guided hike. Terrain walks bring to life varied good qualities in you and your group such as leadership tactics, communication and strategy