What is Zumba? Why women Love it?

Zumba is all about fun; it is a fitness program which offers a high energy work out experience that successfully combines both international as well as Latin music for dance moves. Those who perform Zumba once, they love to come back for more, they feel very feel excited, especially women, they tend to experience positive feelings and joy. While attending Zumba session, women do not feel imperative; usually they feel so when they perform physical exercise or attend other fitness programs. The above fitness program incorporates interval training; it helps improve cardio endurance with its alternative fast as well as slow rhythms.
Who Created Zumba Fitness Program?
During 1990’s Alberto Beto Perez, Colombian dancer and choreographer created Zumba. He incorporated both dance as well as aerobic elements. The above fitness program choreography incorporates salsa, soca, samba, hip-hop, martial arts, mambo and few of the bollywood as well as belly dance moves. Even lunges and Squats are included. Zumba fitness, company sells Zumba products and videos, but it does not charge licensing fees for gyms or fitness centers.
Do you Require Special Dancing Skills for Zumba?
No, you do not require special dancing skills to join Zumba classes, but if you have natural rhythm, then you will be able to pick up the moves much faster. If you do not have dancing skills no worries, there is no score, just dance and have fun. Series of Latin-inspired songs are played, firstly slower warm up songs are played and then intensity is built throughout the session and during the end of the session cool down song is played. Even if you are not a good dancer, the choreography is very repetitive; it is built in such manner so that people who do not have dancing skills, they can easily catch the moves as they perform.
Do you Require any Special Equipment for Zumba?
No special equipment is needed to perform Zumba. All you require is a positive attitude and keep dancing and moving along with each song. It would be better if you come dressed in comfortable attire, so that you can move and manage the sweating. You can wear snickers that would not come in the way of your dance movement but support it. You must think of side to side movement as well as pivots instead of simply going front to back movement. Put on your shoes, you can wear dance sneakers; running shoes having worn out tread or cross trainers.
Can you have Water while Performing Zumba?
Yes, of course you can have water. And you also can catch your breath before the next song begins.
How Long is one session?
Most of the Zumba classes last for 45 to 60 minutes. It consists a group led by a certified Zumba instructor. These are mostly conducted in fitness centers or gyms. Some of them conduct Zumba classes in schools, parks and other venues as well. It’s good to have a regular schedule for cardio based fitness session like Zumba. Those who attend these programs must ensure at least thrice in a week they should perform Zumba.
Why Women Love Zumba?
Women love Zumba because they feel wonderful about themselves; they get filled with joy and bliss. These sessions not only, help attain physical benefits such as high energy, general fitness, sustainability but it also helps channelizes women’s soul, mind and their mood towards a happier version of themselves.
How Zumba helps you to be Superwoman?
As we are aware, Zumba is fat burning fitness program, women tend to burn whopping amount of calories, nearing to 600 to 800 calories and for few session they tend to burn around 1000 calories in a one single session. It makes them superwomen in the true sense; by helping them increase cardio strength and muscular endurance. Now, climbing stair will no longer be tiring for women who perform Zumba.
Does Zumba helps Relieve or Manage Stress?
When women perform Zumba, happy hormone, endorphins are released as they start dancing to Latin as well as international music. As they enjoy these sessions, it acts as a natural stress buster and many of them get relieved from pain and ache as well.
How you will be soon Center of Attraction?
During wedding and parties you will be soon be the center of attraction because anytime you will be ready to move your feet, grabbing more eyeballs than bride. Even at night club parties, you will be ready not only to leave your hair down, but you will easily grab everyone’s attention by moving your body effortlessly.
How Zumba helps Gather People from Different Walks?
Women have caring nature,, Zumba session can help women to gather people from different walks of life for a good cause. Something like Zumba party for charity or gathering to make aware about breast cancer or any other life threatening disease.
How Women can be Torch Bearer?
A major advantage of woman is, she becomes a torchbearer for their family. If she leads a healthy and fit life other family members easily tend to make a healthy shift towards fit life