10 Common Myths Surrounding Tuberculosis

World TB Day-10 Common Myths Surrounding this Disease

10 Common Myths Surrounding Tuberculosis
World TB Day-10 Common Myths Surrounding this Disease
In India, every 3 minutes two deaths occur due to Tuberculosis. Proper care as well as treatment can help stop these deaths. There are lots of myths surrounding this disease.
10 Common Myths Surrounding Tuberculosis
TB is hereditary
The above disease is not hereditary disease, it is airborne disease. If an individual moves close with the TB patient, they have higher chances of getting affected with TB.
10 Common Myths Surrounding Tuberculosis
TB is common among poor people having lower income
TB can affect anyone, even though the specific population such as, homeless, elderly, individuals having lesser immunity, immigrants are prone to more risk.
Everyone having TB is infectious
This is not true, only those individuals who develop TB symptoms transmit the infection. And those individuals having a latent infection do not transmit TB.
There exist no cure for TB
There is a cure for TB, if right treatment is taken with the right combination of drugs for period ranging to six to nine months.
When you shake hands with TB affected person, you too will get affected
TB does not spread by shaking hands. It only spreads when an individual’s having an active infection in their lungs or throat, cough, sneeze, sing and speak.
Tb Is fatal
TB previously was fatal but now with proper medication one can save their lives as well as their loved ones.
TB is the result of excessive smoking
Smokers usually develop respiratory disease. They are prone to high risk, but everyone who smoke excessively do not get TB.
TB affects only the lungs
This is not true, TB can affect any organ and mostly it affects lungs as well as lymph nodes.
Everyone infected with TB develop Disease
This is also not true, we find a number of people have better immune system; it helps clear the bacteria and stops it from growing.
If my TB symptoms do not show, then I do not have TB
An individual can be infected with TB bacteria for years and they themselves might not be aware of it. Perhaps 90% of cases are asymptomatic.