Skill training for APSW residential jr college girls

Skill training for APSW residential jr college girls

The Siemens Skill Development Training Center at St Ann’s College of Engineering and Technology in Chirala provided skill development training to the girls from Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Junior Colleges at Bapatla, Yaddanapudi, Racharla and Markapuram in association with the Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation, announced the college correspondent S Lakshmana Rao.

Chirala: The Siemens Skill Development Training Center at St Ann’s College of Engineering and Technology in Chirala provided skill development training to the girls from Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Junior Colleges at Bapatla, Yaddanapudi, Racharla and Markapuram in association with the Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation, announced the college correspondent S Lakshmana Rao.

The college principal Dr P Ravikumar said that 58 girls from the AP Social Welfare Residential Junior Colleges at Bapatla, Yaddanapudi, Racharla and Markapuram were trained from April 9 to 20 at the Siemens training centre. Dr S Indraneel, in-charge of the APSSDC said that the selected girls were trained on computers and home appliances maintenance by the corporation.

The girls who successfully completed the training were given certificates and announced that they were qualified to apply for the jobs that require certificate in MS Office, Home Electrical maintenance etc, said the in-charge of APSSDC Dr Indraneel.

The APSSDC trainer, Sk Baji, principal and teaching staff of the Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Junior Colleges were also present at the certificate presentation programme.

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