TDP MLA Bode Prasad involved in the Call money scam

TDP MLA Bode Prasad involved in the Call money scam

With the police taking the investigation on the Call money scam a step further in Vijayawada, the enquiring has begun in the role of political leaders in the case. The latest reports suggest that the ones who are involved in the case are threatening the police officials involved in the case.

With the police taking the investigation on the Call money scam a step further in Vijayawada, the enquiring has begun in the role of political leaders in the case. The latest reports suggest that the ones who are involved in the case are threatening the police officials involved in the case.

Also, it is learnt that the Penamulu MLA Bode Prasad's name has been doing the rounds with this case. Bode Prasad is said to have toured foreign countries since the time he took up the post of MLA with the prime accused in the case.

Reports state that the MLA was getting lakhs of rupees every month and after this revelation, more political leaders names are being exposed in the police investigation.
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