Temperature hovers above 44 degree Celsius in district

Temperature hovers above 44 degree Celsius in district

The relief that Roanu cyclone brought to the people of the district did not last long. Just two days after continuous drizzles, the soaring mercury showed up again with blistering heat waves. Citizens are soaking under the sun since two days with intensities never like before.

The relief that Roanu cyclone brought to the people of the district did not last long. Just two days after continuous drizzles, the soaring mercury showed up again with blistering heat waves. Citizens are soaking under the sun since two days with intensities never like before. The early summer in the month of April fooled people wooing for an early monsoon but the reality is utterly a different picture.

The maximum degrees of Celsius are hovering around 44 and above in the district with unending heat waves. Until 8 pm, the heat waves are stubborn. Life for the petty workers, marketing executives and distributors apart from daily wage laborers has changed entirely in the season.
It is suspected that Sunstroke has caused as many as 44 deaths in the district this year out of which 6 are autopsy confirmed.

Temperatures are recorded higher in Avanigadda, Chatrayee, Nuzuvid and Gudivada in the district where, deaths are confirmed, according to the District Medical and Health department. Oppressive heat has been playing toil on health of the children and elderly alike. District wide health care centres have been distributing the ORS powders to the needy in huge quantities.

“Since there is no other option to contain the heat waves, staying indoors and consuming more fluids is advisable. Children and elders should take care not to get dehydrated. Working class should carry enough water and ensure they avoid coming out at peak hours,” said the District Medical and Health officer.

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