Steel executives donate blood

Steel executives donate blood

Dr GBS Prasad, Director (Personnel), Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, the chief guest on the occasion, paid rich tributes to the departed souls. Dr Prasad conveyed his condolences to the bereaved families and appreciated Steel Executives Association, JCI and Lions club for conducting the blood donation camp, which will save precious lives of the needy 

Visakhapatnam: Steel Executives’ Association (SEA) of Steel Plant organised a blood donation camp to mark Smriti Divas here on Monday. About 112 units of blood was voluntarily donated by employees, students and women at a voluntary blood donation camp organised by SEA in association with JCI and Lions Club to commemorate the accidental death of employees and others who lost their lives at SMS -2 Blast Furnace accident, which occurred on June 13, 2012.

Dr GBS Prasad, Director (Personnel), Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, the chief guest on the occasion, paid rich tributes to the departed souls. Dr Prasad conveyed his condolences to the bereaved families and appreciated Steel Executives Association, JCI and Lions club for conducting the blood donation camp, which will save precious lives of the needy

persons. YK Garg, president, SEA, Dr Paramata Satyanarayana, secretary, SEA, BV Rao and Rajendra Prasad from Lions Club, Ravikumar and Jayalakshmi from JCI, executive committee members of SEA participated in the programme.

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