Students take to teaching

Students take to teaching

Absenteeism is a habit that is common to youngsters who prefer to bunk classes on one pretext or the other.

Teacher skips classes

Pattikonda (Kurnool): Absenteeism is a habit that is common to youngsters who prefer to bunk classes on one pretext or the other. But, here is a case of a teacher working in the Singapuram Mandal Parishad primary school in Devanakonda mandal of Pattikonda Assembly Constituency playing truant.

He marks the attendance in the register and draws thousands of rupees as salary, but in practice he rarely visits the single-teacher school. Instead, he takes care of his personal work. The case of this teacher, Ramudu, is a perfect example of ‘lack of effective supervision’ by superiors. The state government allocates huge sums annually in the budget for education but at the grassroots level the government schools are severely plagued by indiscipline among teachers.

This is attributed to alleged ‘extra-curricular’ activities of some of the teachers whose main activity is not pedagogy. Taking a U-turn from sending children to private schools, many village panchayats in Telangana adopted resolutions to cut off benefits like pensions, rations if the villagers fail to send their wards to government schools. Even they prohibited school buses plying in their villages. At a time, when the villagers are increasingly patronising the government schools, indiscipline among a section of the teachers is sure to dampen their spirits.

In fact, the primary school at Singapuram had strength of 60 students from classes one to five. Their strength nosedived to a mere 20. The students dropped out of the school as the teacher would not care to take classes daily. Noticing that the school teacher is irregular in his attendance, parents took their wards out of the school and got them enrolled in a private school.

According to students, it was three days since the teacher was last seen in the school. On learning about it from the media, District Educational Officer Ravindranath Reddy alerted Mandal Education Officer Yogananda and asked him to go to the school and find out the truth. When the MEO paid a visit to the school, true colours of Ramudu came to light.

The MEO went on record stating that the teacher had been absent for the last three days. Yogananda said that disciplinary action would be initiated against the errant teacher. It was high-time the education department officials took stern action against such teachers to ensure the quality of education in government educational institutions.

By Shaik Shah Wali

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