Gap will widen between Telugu states and Centre, says seer

Gap will widen between Telugu states and Centre, says seer

Visakha Sri Sarada Peethadhipathi  Sri  Swaroopanandendra  Saraswathi  Maha  Swami  as part of his Anugraha  Bhashanam on the occasion of Ugadi celebrations on Wednesday,  said  that differences of opinion between the two Telugu-speaking States and the Centre will become larger on many important  issues or matters.

Visakhapatnam: Visakha Sri Sarada Peethadhipathi Sri Swaroopanandendra Saraswathi Maha Swami as part of his Anugraha Bhashanam on the occasion of Ugadi celebrations on Wednesday, said that differences of opinion between the two Telugu-speaking States and the Centre will become larger on many important issues or matters.

A large number of devotees attended the Panchanga Pathanam and the Anugraha Bhashanam of the seer to mark the celebrations of Telugu New Year ‘Sri Hevalambi’ at the Peetham premises here.

Further clarifying on his remark, the seer felt that the rulers in both the States and at the Centre should exercise restraint in addressing issues keeping welfare and prosperity of the people in view without going for prestige.

He said that the Opposition parties in both the States will go on leveling allegations and at the same time, the allegations must be taken in a true spirit. Swami Swaroopanandendra Maha Swami felt that spirit of devotion and service motto must increase in the minds of all public representatives.

Since majority of temples are under the Department of Endowments, the governments should not make them income-generation centres but as spiritual centres by conducting Yagas for the wellbeing of the farmers and the public. Elaborating on Ugadi importance, the seer dwelt that Grahas including Surya, Chandra and other stars will have a great influence on future of the mankind and Ugadi is mainly celebrated in the two Telugu-speaking States only.

‘Since Budhudu is the King to rule the kingdom in the new Telugu Year of Sri Hevalambi, there will be no proper rainfall on time and even if there are rains, they may create panic among public. Further, both AP and Telangana will witness high temperatures in the summer season and as such, mainly farmers would be affected, he explained.

The Visakha Sri Sarada Peetham has been conducting Yagas involving thousands of Ritwiks every year seeking unity, integration, peace and tranquility among all sections of people and the well being of the States and the Centre, the seer added.

The Peetham Pundits Krishna Sarma and Hanuman Sarma rendered Veda Swasthi. Pantula Ramalinga Sarma rendered Panchanga Pathanam. Uttara Peethadhipathi Bala Swami monitored the entire Ugadi celebrations.

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