Minor housewife attempts suicide

Minor housewife attempts suicide

A minor girl, who recently got married, attempted suicide at Charlagudipadu in Gurazala mandal on Tuesday.She was married to one Venkatesh of same village one month ago. She doused her body with kerosene when her husband was at home.

Gurazala (Guntur): A minor girl, who recently got married, attempted suicide at Charlagudipadu in Gurazala mandal on Tuesday.She was married to one Venkatesh of same village one month ago. She doused her body with kerosene when her husband was at home.

He, too, suffered burn injuries when he tried to save her. She was rushed to the Gurazala government hospital. Second Additional Judge Shyam Kumar and Gurazala CI Rayana Dharmendrababu recorded her statement at the hospital.Dharmendrababu said that she attempted suicide after being shunned by her parents.

Relatives alleged that her husband and in-laws poured kerosene on her. Later, she was shifted to the Guntur government hospital for better treatment. A case has been registered and investigation is on, said police.

SK Shaida

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