Let’s work collectively to achieve progress: Minister Sujay Krishna

Let’s work collectively to achieve progress: Minister Sujay Krishna

Minister for mines and geology RV Sujay Krishna Ranga Rao appealed the district officers, staff and leaders to join hands and work together to achieve progress. After taking oath as minister on Monday he reviewed the progress of various schemes in this district in the presence of all the district officers.

Vizianagaram: Minister for mines and geology RV Sujay Krishna Ranga Rao appealed the district officers, staff and leaders to join hands and work together to achieve progress. After taking oath as minister on Monday he reviewed the progress of various schemes in this district in the presence of all the district officers.

“I am a positive person, so let’s work with positive mind and bring the public issues to the notice of the collector within 24 hours and if it’s a bigger one, you can bring them to my notice. We need not worry about the funds, the Chief Minister is very positive towards our district so, we should avail more schemes and funds to facilitate the public. Let’s give more priority to the tribal areas and should work for minimize the migrations from our districts to other areas.

We should take initiative to provide all basic amenities at hill top areas. I am expecting more services from agriculture, health, education departments as our district is backward and we should eradicate poverty from our district.” He said. All the officers should mind that they should not encourage corruption in their departments. Provide all amenities like tents, water facility and first aid at NREGS work places” he said. Collector Vivek Yadav, ZP Chairperson Dr.Swathi Rani, MLAs K.Appala Naidu, M.Geetha, B.Chiranjeevulu and others have participated in the review.

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