Working class told to fight communalism

Working class told to fight communalism

R Singaravelu, president of Construction Workers Federation of India (CWFI), called upon the working class to integrate the struggle against neo-liberal policies and communalism.

Vijayawada: R Singaravelu, president of Construction Workers Federation of India (CWFI), called upon the working class to integrate the struggle against neo-liberal policies and communalism.

In his opening remarks at a two-day All India CWFI Council meeting held here on Tuesday, he opined that the axis between neo-liberal capitalism and Hindutva communalism was the most potent threat to our democracy, secularism and national sovereignty.

He said that the capitalists wanted to protect and increase their profits at any cost. They pass on the burden of economic crisis on the shoulders of the working class and other toiling masses. “This in turn, creates immense powerful struggles across the globe by all sections of people. Capitalism has proved to be an utter failure. Scientific Socialism is the only true alternative,” he said.

The CWFI leader felt neo-liberal policies implemented as per the dictates of International Finance Capital had created two worlds viz Shining World and Suffering World. “In India, there are 57 billionaires. Non-payment of bank loans by corporate is Rs 12 lakh crore. In addition to the concessions and exemptions provided to the every year amount to Rs 5 lakh crore,” he added.

Making a scathing attack on three years of BJP rule, he said as against promised two crore jobs every year, during first nine months of 2016, the government could only create 2.31 lakh jobs. Cent per cent FDI and private corporate were being allowed to have control over strategic sectors like defence, railways, port and dock and coal.

“Cow vigilante groups, anti-Romeo squads of Sangh Pariwar are killing people. Though ‘what to eat’, ‘how to dress’, etc are private rights. Now, they are recognised as fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution in the recent nine-member bench of Supreme Court judgement,” he said.

CITU national secretary M A Gaffoor urged the leaders to assemble a large number of construction workers for the workers’ rally scheduled to be held in New Delhi in November. CWFI national general secretary D Chakraborty, state president P Narasimha Rao, state leader V Umamaheswara Rao, representatives from 29 states were present.

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