Minor girl impregnated

Minor girl impregnated

In a heinous act, a 30-year old man impregnated an 11-year-old girl in Narsapuram town of West Godavari district. According to police, the incident came to light when her adopted parents took her to the government hospital when she fell sick.

Eluru: In a heinous act, a 30-year old man impregnated an 11-year-old girl in Narsapuram town of West Godavari district. According to police, the incident came to light when her adopted parents took her to the government hospital when she fell sick.

The poor family did not have toilet in their house and used to go to Sulabh Complex near Municipal Complex in Narsapur town. The 11-year old girl, who is studying Vth standard, also used to go to the complex regularly. The sanitary worker P Narasimha Raju (30) eyed the girl and when no one was around the complex, he used to take her inside the Complex and rape her. Later, he threatened her with dire consequences if she discloses it to anyone.

For the past three months, he was raping her.The girl fell sick five days ago. Therefore, the couple took her to the Government Hospital for treatment, and on checking the girl doctors came to know that she was pregnant.

When the couple asked the girl, she disclosed about the sexual assault. They immediately went to Narsapuram police station on Tuesday and lodged a complaint. Based on the complaint, police took P Narasimha Raju into their custody. Narsapur DSP G Poornachandra Rao investigating the case. The accused was married and have children.

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