Expedite construction of NTR houses: Collector

Expedite construction of NTR houses: Collector

District Collector S Satyanarayana directed the housing officials to speed up the process of construction of houses for the beneficiaries under the NTR Housing Scheme.

- Says around 16,583 houses have been sanctioned under the NTR Rural Housing Scheme
for 2016-17
- Warns the officials that he will initiate stringent action if the set target was not achieved within the end of this month

Kurnool: District Collector S Satyanarayana directed the housing officials to speed up the process of construction of houses for the beneficiaries under the NTR Housing Scheme.

Reviewing the progress of NTR house constructions with the concerned department officials at his camp office on Friday, the Collector said that around 16,583 houses have been sanctioned under the NTR Rural Housing Scheme for the 2016-17. Out of the sanctioned houses, only 12,961 have been grounded and another 4,246 were sanctioned under the scheme but a poor progress was observed. Only 2,667 houses have been grounded from the total of 4,246 houses, he stated.

Expressing dissatisfaction over the poor achievement, the Collector warned the officials that he will initiate stringent action if the set target was not achieved within the end of this month.

He said the government had allotted another 20,000 houses under the NTR Housing Scheme for 2017-18. Out of allotted houses, we have sanctioned 17,532, but only 1,356 houses were grounded. He directed them to complete cent per cent by the end of this year.

Further expressing his anguish, the Collector said, “It is very irrigating to see the figure, only 56 beneficiaries have been created identity cards out of 119 beneficiaries.”

He directed them to complete the remaining target by giving utmost priority. The Collector added the government has allotted another 13,000 houses under the NTR Rural Housing Scheme. Out of the allotted target, 10,543 houses have been sanctioned for grounding, but out of the sanctioned, only 463 houses have been grounded.

He directed the officials to complete the set target of cent per cent by January-end. He advised the officials to first chalk out a plan on how to complete the given target and said to work out in that direction by shunning negligence. Housing Project Director Venkateshwara Reddy, Kurnool, Nandyal, Adoni Executive Engineers, Sathya Prasad, Reddy Sudhakar Reddy, Chandra Sekhar Reddy, divisional engineers and others participated in the review meeting with the

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