Mutton merchants stage hunger strike

Mutton merchants stage hunger strike

With the Mutton Merchants Association began their relay hunger strike in the city on Monday, GVMC Commissioner M Hari Narayanan called the association leaders for a meeting on Tuesday.

Visakhapatnam: With the Mutton Merchants Association began their relay hunger strike in the city on Monday, GVMC Commissioner M Hari Narayanan called the association leaders for a meeting on Tuesday.

Though the Mutton Merchants Association has planned to take out a rally from Saraswathi Park to GVMC on Monday, the police department refused to give permission for procession citing short-time notice and traffic snarls.

With this, the association members settled for staging a dharna at Gandhi statue near GVMC. The members decided to go for indefinite relay hunger strike till their demands are met.

As the mutton vendors in huge numbers gathered at the protest scene, the association leaders received a call from civic body authorities to come for discussion with Chief Medical Health Officer and veterinary doctors.

Though the talks between the authorities and association leaders went on for two hours, nothing fruitful emerged out of the meeting. Knowing the status of meeting, it is learnt that the civic body chief gave time for the association to pitch their demands before him on Tuesday.

It may be noted the mutton vendors have been demanding district authorities and public representative not to shift slaughterhouse of goats at Hanumanthawaka junction to Marikavalasa. Nearly, 700 mutton vendors staged dharna.

The slaughterhouse at Hanumanthawaka Junction was shut down by GVMC three months ago as civic body has set up new modern abattoir at Marikavalasa for both goat and beef in one place.

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