Churches brace up for carols

Churches brace up for carols

Christian community in the 50 odd local churches are busy practicing the historical Christmas hymns for going on carolling spree five days to a week before December 25.

Anantapur: Christian community in the 50 odd local churches are busy practicing the historical Christmas hymns for going on carolling spree five days to a week before December 25. The youth carol band practicing the Christmas hymns would visit the homes of one and all and declare the birth of Jesus Christ just as the angels who appeared to the shepherds on a cold winter night sang the angelic song and announced saying ‘Behold I bring unto you glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour Christ the Lord’. The youth band hires a bus and visits homes to announce the good news that a Saviour is born for mankind to save them from their sins and to attain moksha after death. The celestial songs ‘while shepherds watch their flock by night’, Joy to the world, the Lord is come, Silent Night Holy Night, All is calm, All is bright and Hark now hear the Angels sing, new king born today and similar such songs are sung during the carol rounds in the city throughout the winter nights.

Town Congregational Church and the ancient CSI Church and the Roman Catholic Church in the city apart from the Agape Church and Shakena Assemblies of God Church are all bathed in Christmas spirit, sharing the joy of Christmas with the poor, lonely and the have-nots. Meanwhile, children and youth are also engaged in practicing the historical playlet on the birth of Christ for presenting the same during Christmas.

The churches are also being decorated with Christmas trees, greeting cards and balloons. Christmas shopping has picked up momentum and the shop keepers are doing roaring business selling decorative items, stars, balloons and Christmas trees and Santa Claus attire etc. The city is dotted with hundreds of stars. It was as if the celestial stars have descended in connection with the birth of the Son of God. Political leaders are busy hosting Christmas parties for the community and enriching the celebrations.

By Ravi P Benjamin

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