Organisers seek LPG on subsidy

Organisers seek LPG on subsidy

Gas connections to Mid-Day Meal scheme remains a far cry as most of the schools do not have the facility. The AP government prestigiously introduced Mid-Day Meal scheme in all government school across the state.

Kurnool: Gas connections to Mid-Day Meal scheme remains a far cry as most of the schools do not have the facility. The AP government prestigiously introduced Mid-Day Meal scheme in all government school across the state. The scheme was officially introduced in Kurnool on January 2, 2003 for primary classes and it was extended up to ninth and tenth classes on October 13, 2008.

The aim of the government in introducing the scheme was to ensure regular attendance besides providing nutritious food to the students. As many as 1,910 primary, 477 upper primary and 544 high schools are implementing the scheme. Apart from these, among aided schools, 103 primary schools, 25 upper primary and 45 high schools are also getting benefit. More than 6 lakh students are being benefitted in all these schools.

Most of the schools are not having gas connection facility. Only some schools got gas connections and the rest have been waiting for the connections. They are preparing food on hearth. Separate funds were not allocated for purchasing the gas and the organisers have to use the student’s amount.

The officials of the Education department are pressurising the headmasters to spare amount from the school funds for the purchase of gas connections. But, the headmasters are also disinterested to do so. It is learnt that only 90 school headmasters have purchased the gas connection.

For getting gas connection and two cylinders, officials have to spend Rs3,100 and Rs 1,300 for refilling. “If we spare such amount from the school funds then we would be left with no amount in hand to purchase at least chalk pieces,” lamented a headmaster. The Mid-Day Meal organisers say that they are facing several problems for preparing meals on hearth.

Preparing food on open spaces is resulting in food contamination, they say. If the students consume the food, then there are chances of nauseous feeling and vomiting sensation. Even some of them are suffering with eye problems from cooking the food on hearth, lament the organisers.

The organisers said that the gas is not provided to them on subsidy and the entire cost for gas connection has to be spend from the students’ mess charges. The government is paying Rs 6.48 for every student studying in primary school and Rs 8.53 for higher classes.

One Bommala Sathram Nagendra of Nandyal speaking to The Hans India said that around 70 per cent of government schools in Nandyal are not sanctioned with gas connections. It is very hard for the Mid-Day Meal organisers to cook food on hearth stoves.

By V Narendra Kumar

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