Slot darshanam system commences at Tirumala

Slot darshanam system commences at Tirumala

TTD formally launched the Slot-wise Sarva Darshan (SSD) on a trial basis on Monday at Srivari temple for the convenience of common pilgrims. This new system will be continued up to December 23.

Tirumala: TTD formally launched the Slot-wise Sarva Darshan (SSD) on a trial basis on Monday at Srivari temple for the convenience of common pilgrims. This new system will be continued up to December 23.

Counters were opened for issue of tokens on Monday amid lot of appreciation from pilgrims. Tirumala JEO K S Sreenivasa Raju performed puja at Central Reception Office (CRO) SSD and launched the issue of tones at 5.50 am.

TTD deployed about 500 employees for SSD in all 14 locations which include two footpath routes also. Srivari Seva volunteers have also been pressed into service to man the queue lines in all 117 counters. A devotee from Tanjore (Tamil Nadu) Shakuntala and her friends expressed their happiness for having received the first darshan token of their choice of 2 pm slot. one Vijay Kumar and his family of five from Hyderabad while appreciating the new system, said thanks to TTD officials they had finished darshan in couple of hours without much hassle.

Another devotee Hemanth Kumar of Mahbubnagar said he got to know of the information about SSD through his Facebook friends. He said that it is 100 per cent beneficial to the pilgrims who are forced to wait for long hours in queue lines and compartments.

The wide publicity conducted by TTD officials under the instructions of executive officer (EO) Anil Kumar Singhal for the past fortnight yielded good results. The temple management has given enormous publicity through media, website, newspaper advertisements, SVBC scrolling, distribution of pamphlets in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi and English to pilgrims at RTC bus stands, railway station and Alipiri toll gate.

Apart from this, some pilgrims and media groups passed the information across the nation with the help of social media which has received overwhelming response from the pilgrims based in all corners of the country.

CVSO A Ravikrishna, SE II Ramachandra Reddy, GM Sesha Reddy, SE Electrical Venkateswarulu, DyEO Annaprasadam Venugopal, VGO Ravindra Reddy participated in the launch of SSD token issuing.

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