Movies that will Inspire You to Never Give up

Movies that will Inspire You to Never Give up

Movies make us laugh, make us cry and even make us cheer! 

Movies make us laugh, make us cry and even make us cheer!

When we see underdogs take on extraordinary goals, despite all adversities and difficulties, we can relate to them.

We all need inspiration. Dealing with neck to neck competition in the modern era, sometimes we get tired of trying and want to give up.

But movies these make us look inside ourselves and, often, can be used as inspiration themselves.

Here, we are listing a few movies which will motivate us, inspire us and stick with us long after the ending scenes

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption tells the tale of a banker Andy Dufresne’s 19-year term in prison.

The film gives a strong message of friendship and perseverance and lets us have an insight of the lives at Shawshank.

The film just doesn't end with innocent Andy's escape but also his mate, Red's redemption making it an inspiring story of hope, faith and bonding.

It’s A Wonderful Life

This movie is one that makes us value relationships.

When an angel comes down as an answer to George Bailey's prayer wishing that he wasn't born, he begins to see how he has impacted his loved ones.

Set in Christmas season, It's A Wonderful Life is truly a wonderful watch, leaving us inspired by its simple yet captivating plot.

127 Hours

What if you were asked to choose between amputating your hand and death? That's the decision Aron Ralson had to make in 127 Hours.

The five days in the life of this lone trekker being trapped and his miraculous return to civilization is a story of survival.

This film not only inspires us but makes us grateful for something we all take for granted - life.

Forrest Gump

Whether dominating on the gridiron as a college football star, fighting in the Vietnam war, or captaining a shrimp boat, Forrest leaves an impression on people with his childlike innocence.

Growing up under the care of his supportive mother in a protected environment, slow witted Forrest never considered himself disadvantaged.

The film emanates the sentiment of innocence and love, making us grateful for the simple joys of life.

The World’s Fastest Indian

The story of Burt Munro tells us that if you believe in something, don't give up.

Though it took years for the New Zealander to build his 1920 Indian motorcycle, he did not lose hope and it helped him set the land speed record at the 1967world record at Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats.

The true story of a man who never gave up on his dreams of doing something big - and doing it very, very fast - provides the basis for this engaging and inspiring plot.

Into The Wild

As the name aptly reveals, Into The Wild is a story of breaking free. 'I don't believe in careers Mr. Franz, I think careers are a 20th century invention,' is a dialogue that well reflects this sentiment.

Christopher McCandless, leaving his profitable career as an athlete behind, chooses to give his possessions for charity and embarks on a journey to Alaskan wilderness.

An inspiring story of choosing an alternate life path in today's competitive world makes Into The Wild an unconventional treat.


The story of Rocky Balboa is not just of boxing, but of struggle and hard work.

The difficulties of daily life that he struggles to earn for, his relationship with his best friend's sister and the formation of his career are all well-knit parts of the plot, and this overall view of his life is what makes the movie so special.

This story of a man, who from a ‘nobody’ becomes a ‘somebody’ is truly an all-time inspiring watch.

Freedom Writers

The story of Erin Gruwell faced with a class of at-risk teenagers deemed to be incapable learners is a must-watch!

The plot of how a teacher can affect the lives of her students in a positive way is brought out as Gruell encourages her students to choose definitive careers for the future and inculcate good habits in them like keeping journals.

This film reeks the message of motivation and is inspiring both for teachers and students.

Schindler’s List

At a time of genocide, this film tells the story of a true hero. Oskar Schindler’s arrangement to keep his Jewish workers protected to ensure his factory is still in operation did not only work for his benefit but saved many innocent lives too.

The plot of the story is a masterpiece, bringing out humanity warped in business in a time of war.

The movie ends with the tragic fate of Schlinder despite the endeavors of the ones on his 'list' - a truly inspiring conclusion that will leave you in tears.


The film Amelie captures the exquisite charm and mystery of modern day Paris through ingenue eyes.

The way Amelie imagines other people’s lives around her, and creates a world of her own making, is an inspiring tale of imagination.

The tapestry Amelie knits around her hoping to bring Joy to the people’s lives around her, in her own little way, tells the story of magic, innocence and love.

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