High-end Cameras for City Traffic Monitoring soon

High-end Cameras for City Traffic Monitoring soon

Traffic wing would be installing high-resolution cameras with additional features in the city to identify traffic violators and penalise them through e-challans. From now on, traffic violations would be viewed very seriously, and challans would be generated automatically with cameras installed at various places in the city. 

  • 1,000 new cameras would be installed shortly
  • High-end cameras generate e-challans with precision
  • 1.4 lakh e-challans generated and Rs 99 lakh collected from violators in the last one year

Nellore: Traffic wing would be installing high-resolution cameras with additional features in the city to identify traffic violators and penalise them through e-challans. From now on, traffic violations would be viewed very seriously, and challans would be generated automatically with cameras installed at various places in the city.

There are 120 cameras in the city and 60 in other important towns. Another 600 cameras are being installed in the city and they would be ready for activity shortly. Amongst them, 180 are advanced cameras with additional features like high-resolution capturing, analytic software and others.

The Traffic wing has placed order for 400 cameras more and very soon they would also be installed in the city and in other important places. 1.4 lakh e-challans were generated, and the violators had paid Rs 99 lakh in the last one year.

Still, the department has to collect the dues of Rs 2.5 crore from the commuters, who violated traffic rules. The cops issued more than 2,000 e-challans in the last 15 days and out of them only 26 paid.

In fact, there is a practice in many cities including Hyderabad that 50 per cent of share from the revenue generated through e-challans or other compounding sums from the violators to be allocated to the Traffic wing for developing infrastructure, taking up works and purchasing other material.

Yet, the Police department is unable to go ahead with the plans of purchasing equipment as the government is not allocating sufficient budget. Even though, the Home department had placed a request before the state government to spend 40 per cent of share from the revenue generated through e-challans for improving conditions of Traffic wing. But, there has been no response from the government.

“We are going to install high-resolution cameras with additional features in the city for monitoring law and order situation. They would also be utilised for generating e-challans for the traffic violations. We sincerely appeal to the commuters stick to the rules and avoid penalties.

Otherwise, cameras will automatically generate e-challans and they would be sent to the mailing id or address mentioned at the time of vehicle registration,” said PHD Ramakrishna, Superintendent of Police.

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