E-Health Services Market has Escalated Remarkably at a CAGR of 20.4% from FY’2010-FY’2015-kenresearch

E-Health Services Market has Escalated Remarkably at a CAGR of 20.4% from FY’2010-FY’2015-kenresearch

Ken Research announced its latest publication The Indian healthcare industry is one of the largest in the world, which caters to more than 1.25 billion people in the country. The Healthcare sector in India contributed around 5% of the GDP in India during FY 2015. In FY 2015, INR 30,645.0 was allocated to healthcare sector under financial budget of India.

Ken Research announced its latest publication The Indian healthcare industry is one of the largest in the world, which caters to more than 1.25 billion people in the country. The Healthcare sector in India contributed around 5% of the GDP in India during FY’2015. In FY’2015, INR 30,645.0 was allocated to healthcare sector under financial budget of India.

The Healthcare Sector mainly includes hospitals, medical devices, medical instruments, telemedicine services, pharmaceuticals, pathology and diagnostic labs services, health insurance, on-call home healthcare services, healthcare IT services and software and hardware.
In line with the overall healthcare system in India, E-Health services market has escalated remarkably at a CAGR of 20.4% from FY’2010-FY’2015. The-e-health services market has been mainly segmented into four broad categories, which includes telemedicine services, e-health marketplace, on-call home healthcare services market and IT healthcare market with a focus on EHR, LIS and PIS software. The contribution of healthcare IT market has been the highest in the past several years.
Apollo Tele Health Services has been witnessed as the market leader in private telemedicine centers. The telemedicine centre of Apollo acted as a catalyst in Telemedicine services market in India and other hospitals also joined the bandwagon and made telemedicine a reality in India. Currently, private hospitals such as Narayana Health, Medanta, Aravind eye-care and more offer telemedicine services in India.
The e-health marketplace in India has been one of the rapidly growing segments in the e-health services market. The e-health marketplace exhibited phenomenal growth since FY’2013, with the advent of strong players which includes Mediangels and Medical Second Opinions.
On-Call Home healthcare market is one of the largest sectors in healthcare market in India and it has grown rapidly over the past few years FY’2010-FY’2015. India’s growth in information and technology sector along with awareness about healthcare devices and services has positioned home healthcare market as one of the largest contributor towards revenue generation in healthcare market in India.
The healthcare sector in India is ripened with numerous opportunities for the IT companies to capitalize and grow. Using an integrated, holistic approach which allows the healthcare organizations to remain flexible to the inexorable complexity, compliance and developments, has necessitated the requirement of information systems in healthcare organization over the years.
Health information technology describes a comprehensive management of health information across the computerized systems and its secure exchange between customers, providers, government and insurers.
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