American honor for Desi crew

American honor for Desi crew

Indian dance crew The Desi Hoppers led by ‘Jhalak Dikhlaja’ star and popular youth TV actor Shantanu Maheshwari, have been listed on the No.2 slot of the best US dance crews, on America\'s popular website The Top 10\'s.

Indian dance crew The Desi Hoppers led by ‘Jhalak Dikhlaja’ star and popular youth TV actor Shantanu Maheshwari, have been listed on the No.2 slot of the best US dance crews, on America's popular website The Top 10's. The Desi Hopper's are the only Indian dance crew on the list, and have been much appreciated by people there too.

They went international in the year 2015 by winning the ‘World of Dance’ championship and were special performers on Hollywood reality show ‘America's Got Talent’ (AGT) and on China’s most popular show ‘Day Day Up’ last year.

Speaking on about being on Top 10 list Shantanu said, “This achievement of us being recognised internationally just feels amazing! Our crew is extremely happy on the same! Cherishing some amazing ‘World of Dance’ and ‘America’s Got Talent’ memories, we soon hope to get more opportunities like this where we represent India and make our country proud”.

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