First look of Will Smith's 'Bright' unveiled

First look of Will Smiths Bright unveiled

During the celebrations and snafus at this year\'s Academy Awards, the first advertisement of Will Smith\'s upcoming supernatural cop film \"Bright\" was released. 

Los Angeles: During the celebrations and snafus at this year's Academy Awards, the first advertisement of Will Smith's upcoming supernatural cop film "Bright" was released.

The 48-year-old actor has reunited in this film with "Suicide Squad" director David Ayer, confirmed The Hollywood Reporter. The film, which also stars Joel Edgerton, is based on a world where magical creatures and humans coexist. Smith will be seen essaying the role of a human cop, who works in the police's division for handling crimes involving magic.

While Edgerton plays an Orc (a type of magical creature) to find a potent wand that evil forces are willing to kill for. Written by Max Landis, the film is slated for release in December release on Netflix.

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