Akshay Kumar talks about importance of building toilets

Akshay Kumar talks about importance of building toilets

Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has expressed his concern about insufficient toilets in the country. The 49-year-old actor, who recently wrapped up shooting for his film \"Toilet: Ek Prem Katha\",

Mumbai: Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has expressed his concern about insufficient toilets in the country. The 49-year-old actor, who recently wrapped up shooting for his film "Toilet: Ek Prem Katha", took to Twitter to share a video in which he is addressing the issue of open defecation. "I was not sure if I should discuss this with all of you as I knew many would think that this is just a publicity stunt for my upcoming film. You are right to think so.

I am doing this film as I feel this topic needs to be discussed," he said in the video. Akshay encouraged people to build more toilets and expressed concerns about the consequences, especially poor women have to face due to lack of access to toilets. "In a super power like India, many people, especially ladies cannot go to toilet when their body needs to because they don't have toilet in their homes and they need to defecate in open... I am scared women may have to face serious health issues as they are unable to go answer nature's call when the body demands, which may spread among children too."

The actor further urged people to help in building more toilets. "We give donations in temples, gurudwaras, churches and masjid for blessings, can't we give 10 per cent of that donation to build a toilet for the poor."

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