When Amala Paul Hugged Her Childhood Crush...

When Amala Paul Hugged Her Childhood Crush...

Amala Paul, the popular South Indian actress made her splashing entry at the Filmfare awards event that took place grandly in Hyderabad on Sunday night. The event was attended by many popular film personalities from the South Indian cinema. The actress did not receive any award but gave away one to her childhood crush and she felt very happy about that.

Amala Paul, the popular South Indian actress made her splashing entry at the Filmfare awards event that took place grandly in Hyderabad on Sunday night. The event was attended by many popular film personalities from the South Indian cinema. The actress did not receive any award but gave away one to her childhood crush and she felt very happy about that.

When Amala Paul was asked to announce the winner for the Best Actor of Critics Choice from Kollywood, she said, “And the award goes to my childhood crush,”

Madhavan happens to be her childhood crush and he was adjudged the winner for The Best Actor (Critics) for his role in Tamil film Vikram Vedha. After honoring him with the award, she hugged him and realized her childhood dream

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