So happy for getting such a rare honor : Pulagam Chinnarayana

So happy for getting such a rare honor : Pulagam Chinnarayana

When multifaceted especially in the show business, the questions are never ending The scrutiny is harsh and success doesnt retain for long if not for a path breaking move

When multi-faceted especially in the show business, the questions are never ending. The scrutiny is harsh and success doesn’t retain for long if not for a path breaking move.

Questions like Cinema – Entertainment? Depiction of Life?
Poetry – Pleasant song? Cry of Anguish?
Creative Writing – Diversion? Witnessing History?
Profession – To make a living? To satisfy the conscious mind? Have been haunting a lot of film industry people and somewhere in the journey along, they tend to show affinity to either one.

As much as pressure these questions put on an artiste they eventually offer an inner meaning that comes out only to people.Pulagam Chinnarayana, a bundle of immense and diversified talent seems to have the full grasp of it.

That’s why he never took any of his many roles easy. In an industry with low success rate and heavy competition having a victorious career throughout is a feat by itself and he has been phenomenal all this while with all his roles.

As a professional journalist, as a PRO, as a writer, as a lyric and dialog writer… he made a clear mark for himself and did some new age work.

As he always ran behind letters, awards and recognitions came running for him, including the latest special commendations from the Vice President of the country, Venkayya Naidu for his latest book “Maya Bazar Madhura Smruthulu” (Maya Bazar – Sweet Memories).

Here we present to you this special interview with Chinnarayana on this historical occasion…

Q: Hi Sir! Congratulations on having received this rare honor. How do you feel about it?

PC: Thank you sir. This is truly special and overwhelming
Though there have been a considerable body telugu book work that has received national level honors earlier, this special commendation letter from the Vice President himself, that too for ‘my’ book makes me extremely proud.This definitely is a humbling and surreal moment for me as a writer.

As people from the art industry the result of hard work can vary from being it money, fame, or rewards.
But for a writer the biggest and best reward is appreciation for the work itself.
Nothing equals to an audience coming and giving us appreciation, a pat on the back. All the exhaustion is re-fueled and the hard work is paid off.

Q: I am sure such happy occasions are not new to you…

PC: Haha!
Yes, my first book “Jandhya Marutham” – a comprehensive account of all 39 movies by Jandhyala garu also was also highly appreciated

In fact, it worked like my best visiting card in the film industry. Even now, it’s something that can take me to anybody in the industry. It gave me identity and respect and “Mega Star” Chiranjeevi himself wrote the foreword for that book – a first time for him, remember!

Coming to my second book “Aa Naati Aanavaallu” had an appreciative foreword by “Maatala mantrikudu” Trivikram Srinivas. First print of that book was sold out within a month and went for reprint.
My next book – “Cine Poornodayam” – a detailed account on the life of Sri Edida Nageshwara Rao of Poornodaya Creations was also a big success.

Then came, “Svarnayuga Sangeetha Darshakulu” on music directors who worked in the period 1932 to 1950. This book also holds a special place in my heart. Gana Gandharva, Sri SP Balasubhramanyam himself proof read this book. How many writers can claim such distinction and honor, tell me? “This is a book that can produce many Ph.D’s,” said C. Narayana Reddy Garu about the book.

Keeravani sir honored me with a foreword for this book. “Pasidi Thera” was a kind of sequel to “Aa Naati Aanavaallu”, where I compiled the details of 100 movies of that period.
“Cinema Venuka Storylu” gives the interesting details and background accounts of films made after year 2000. This book also gave me immense personal satisfaction.

Coming to the present book, “Maya Bazar Madhura Smruthulu”, the idea for the book came from Vishwanatha reddy garu, son of Vijaya Nagireddy Garu. A documentary was also made and released alongside this book, perhaps in a never before manner! Now this special commendation from the Hon’ble Vice President of India himself? This is beyond what I’ve thought of. And yes, I am delighted!

Q: Book writing on one side, song lyrics another side, plus now dialog writing for movies. How do you manage to nail so many roles at once? How influential is your past on your work? Tell us about your background some more…

PC: I come from Lakshmi Puram of Krishna district. I grew up in my maternal grand parents’ house in Adavi Kolanu village of West Godavari district. Like every other writer we are aware of, I have had a strong influence of the surroundings and characters around me as a child.

Polishetti Koteshwara Rao, my grandfather always believed in doing ones work silently. Forget boasting, he would not even utter a word about his deeds with other persons. All my time management skills come from him. My grandmother taught me money management. I should mention my youngest uncle Bhaskar Rao too.

He was an ardent reader and had abundant collection of books. He was the main reason for me to have developed love for books. And books introduced me to a world that I never saw. I was a bright student and always topped my class. And I would always secure top prizes in essay writing and elocution competitions while I was studying there.

My first steps in poetry has begun in school where I was very active in all competitions.

I shifted to Rajamundry for junior college where I got access to the Gautami Library. I used to spend most of my days there, like I was preparing for some competitive exams or something (chuckles).

When I was studying electronics and instrumentation at Giddaluru Polytechnic College, I happened to watch film shooting a couple of times. Slowly watching films became my second favorite activity after reading books. It was just pass time then, funny; Decades later, here I am, having made my career in both. Most importantly, doing what I love.

When we happen to like and enjoy the work we do, there is no pain, tiredness or boredom in it. In fact, we get a kick out of it to do more. I am not quoting any personality development books, it is my personal experience.

Q: So, all was well, then why did this polytechnic kid turn to journalism…?

PC: … Coming there… It was like this famous saying “If you truly wish for something, the Universe conspires to give it to you…”after finishing polytechnic, I came to Hyderabad looking for job. But I could not stay away from my home for long. So I went back to Rajamundry. Just then there was a notice for reporters in the famous daily “Samacharam.” Gandham Nagasubramanyam garu was the editor then. I met him and showed him my writings. He gave me the job and I started working there. It was a normal, routine job and soon I started feeling that I could do better with my life.

I came back to Hyderabad and joined a computer hardware course. After the hour or so class in the morning, I had nothing else to do the entire day. It was books and libraries again! Having observed my interest in films, a dear friend of mine, Puranapanda Srinivas garu took me to the shoot of “Aaro Pranam” at Annapurna Studios one day. I was introduced to Thotakuri Raghu there. He was the editor for Shivaranjani then. Through him, I joined film journalism. Moving as per needs and opportunities, I worked for publications “Gorintaku”, “Number One”, “Chitram”, “Santhosham” etc.

Everywhere articles with my by-line used to appear. Under the name Sri Babu, I used to write articles for Andhra Bhumi. For one such article, Mega Star chiranjeevi garu called me and congratulated my writing skills. L Babu rao garu, Bal Reddy Garu, Suresh Kondeti Garu used to like my writing and always gave me free hand and encouraged me. Because of such freedom, my presentation got a distinct mark and was noticed by Sakshi’s Khadir Babu garu and landed me a job there.

Sakshi was a high rise in my career where I got an opportunity to grow from the level of a regular reporter to In-charge stature.
After working for either years there, with a desire and aim of making my own mark as an individual in the movies, I joined the film Industry.

Q: Did you write songs and dialogs while you were handling full time job?

PC: Yes. My first song was for the movie “Mahesh.” “Madi mose mounaanni…” goes the song. Songs in movies “Preminchali,” “Garam,” Manalo Okadu,” ata gadaraa Shivaa,” Janatha Hotel,” and many more followed. The song in “Paisa Vasool” is very special in this lot. Director Puri Jagannadh sir called me and enquired about how I was doing and gave me the chance to write this song. Bala Krishna garu liked it so much that he would mention the song on every occasion thereafter. “Grateful and happy for everything”

Q: How about dialog writing?

PC: Dialog writing began with “Prema Oka Maikam” Each and every word spoken by Charmi in that film came from my pen. My first film as a full credited dialog writer – ‘Gulf” also got me good appreciation. Recently released “Bluff Master” too got good reviews and added to my confidence.

Q: You are a reputed PRO as well. How do you go about it?

PC: That role too began with Puri Jagannadh garu. I interviewed him when he got chance to direct the movie “Badri.” It was his first interview. We became friends since then. Thus Puri’s Itlu, Shravani Subhramanyam” was my first movie as a PRO. At the same time, Director Teja also asked me to handle press for movie “Nuvvu Nenu”. The count soon grew and I have worked as a PRO for over 300 movies by now.

“Pokiri, Vikramarkudu, Aa Naluguru, Grahanam, Midhunam, Resu Gurram, Kabali, Nenu Shailaja, RX 100, Sammohanam…” the list is long and filled with many prestigious and hit films. I permanently handle the works of actors Ram, RX 100 Karthikeya, Sapthagiri, and banners like Sravanthi Movies, Bhavya Creations, Sridevi Movies, Lakshmi Narasimha Productions etc, also.

Q: handling one job effectively is difficult, how are you able to effectively deliver in so many roles at a time?

PC: (Laughing out loud) “The key is time management sir! All the jobs I handled are film related only. When I go to a location, I don’t spend time in unnecessary talk. I make it a point to talk to all seniors and try to put it into some use. I use my book reading time for further research. It is all clearly visible in my books too. As a PRO, I cannot hurt anybody, at the same time I should not suffer for anything.”

The foundation stones are not visible, but the existence of a building depends on them. Similarly, the values and work culture taught me by my elders is the basis for the buildings of career I have built right now.

Q: What are the recognitions you got in this journey so far?

PC: There are many…
1. 2005 AP Cine Goers award for Best Critic
2. 2006 Santhosham Award for Best PRO, Best Journalist, awarded at Dubai
3. 2009 AP State Government Nandi award for Best Book in Cinema for “aanaati Aanavaallu”
4. 2014 AP State Government Nandi as Best Critic
5. 2015 AP State Government Nandi awards Best Book in Cinema for “Pasidi Thera”

Q: lastly, how do you handle the stress ?

Because my profession, passion and pastime… all are around cinema, I never felt any burden or pressure Also when the aim is clear and you know that your progression is towards it, we don’t think the journey is tough. We forget the hardships because of the love we hold towards our work.

Q: Thank you.

PC : Pleasure!

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