Stepfather, 2 others held for rape of minor girl

Stepfather, 2 others held for rape of minor girl

City police on Saturday arrested three persons, including the stepfather of a 16-year-old girl, on charges of raping and impregnating the minor girl. The arrested persons include Harish Krishnamurthy of Musheerabad, Sai Kiran and N Raju of Warasiguda.

Hyderabad: City police on Saturday arrested three persons, including the stepfather of a 16-year-old girl, on charges of raping and impregnating the minor girl. The arrested persons include Harish Krishnamurthy of Musheerabad, Sai Kiran and N Raju of Warasiguda.

According to the police, the minor girl lodged a complaint stating that she had become friends with Sai Kiran when she stayed in Warasiguda. Later, Sai introduced her to Raju.

The three used to meet frequently. A year ago, Raju sexually exploited her in his room. Later, Sai too raped her, she said in her complaint.

Subsequently, she moved to Musheerabad and was living with her mother, brother and stepfather Harish Krishnamurthy, the girl said adding that in February, she was raped by her stepfather when her mother and brother were not at home. The girl lodged a complaint as she was diagnosed pregnant recently.

Based on the complaint, Musheerabad police registered a case under relevant sections of the IPC and also under the provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and arrested the accused.

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