Wife beats man to death

Wife beats man to death

A married woman has murdered her husband in Kazipet following a family dispute. The deceased, Naraboina Nageshwara Rao (55), a railway employee, was beaten to death by his wife N Gouda Lakshmi, aged around 46 years. It was said that the deceased was having an extra marital relation with another woman and that has been causing frequent clashes in the family.

​Kazipet: A married woman has murdered her husband in Kazipet following a family dispute. The deceased, Naraboina Nageshwara Rao (55), a railway employee, was beaten to death by his wife N Gouda Lakshmi, aged around 46 years. It was said that the deceased was having an extra marital relation with another woman and that has been causing frequent clashes in the family.

The incident took place at Kadipikonda on the outskirts of the city during late night hours of Monday following a high pitched quarrel between the couple, married 30 years ago. Lakshmi in a fit of rage has beaten her husband using a club, inflicting serious head injury that led to his death on the spot.

The accused was absconding. A case in connection with the incident was booked at Madikonda police station, Circle Inspector Sridhar informed.

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