Sex racket busted, minor Bangladeshi girl rescued

Sex racket busted, minor Bangladeshi girl rescued

The Task Force team raided a brothel under Langar Houz police station limits and rescued two minor girls who hailed from Bangladesh.

The Task Force team raided a brothel under Langar Houz police station limits and rescued two minor girls who hailed from Bangladesh.

On the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday, the sleuths of Task Force, (West Zone) raided a brothel and arrested Abdul Bariq Shaik alias Raju, 44, resident of Bapu Nagar, Langer Houz and native of West Bengal and Sherajul Islam, 19, a native of Bangladesh.

According to officials, the prime accused, who came to Hyderabad for livelihood about three years ago, started working for a construction company.

However, five months ago the co-accused Sherajul Islam, a Bangladeshi, came in contact with him and started human trafficking. They forced the minor girls into flesh trade in the City, the police said. The accused along with and girls rescued during the raid were handed over to Langer Houz police station for taking necessary action.

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